KanaMafu- What You Want✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧‎♡‧₊˚

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"Um, Yuki. Could you please send that file over?" Kanade's voice came out oddly stiff.

"Of course," Mafuyu, also known as Yuki, replied, with an unnecissary tone of formality.

"Okay, well now I'm definetely weirded out," Mizuki said to the last member of Nightcord at 25:00, Ena. The two of them had been witness to strange, unusually proper behaviour from the founding members of their group, Kanade and Mafuyu, since they had joined the nightly call. It was almost like when the four of them first started working together, when they felt awkward and never really knew what to say.

"Make that two of us," Ena huffed, confused. "C'mon guys, just tell us what's going on?"

"Nothing's going on," Kanade said for the fourth time that night. 

"Well I don't believe you," Mizuku replied in a sing-song voice. "Whatever, I'm going to mute myself and put on some music. Text me if you need anything,"

"Same," Ena said, and a little 'X' appeared over both of the mic icons beside their profile pictures. 

"So, um, I know this song is a little different from what we normally do." Kanade began awkwardly. "Do you think you'll still be able to write lyrics for this?"

"Yes." Mafuyu replied expresionlessly. "May I ask you a question about this song, K?"

"Oh," Kanade said, a little taken aback. "Sure, of course,"

"This is a love song, right?" Mafuyu said, catching Kanade off gaurd. The shorter girl could feel herself blushing and was very grateful she didn't have her video on. 

"Um, yes. It is," Kanade said, trying to keep her voice calm and casual. She was just writing it for a change of pace, she told herself. It was nothing else, just that, plain and simple.

"Kanade," Mafuyu said, using the other's full name, something that was usually reserved for outside N25 calls. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

"You made it pretty clear that there's nothing to talk about," Kanade said, struggling to keep her voice level. 

"I didn't mean-" Mafuyu started, but she was cut off.

"I'm going to mute myself and try and get some work done." And just like that, the 'X' appeared on Kanade's mic as well.

Mafuyu leaned back in her chair, sighing as she stared at the screen where Kanade's profile picture was. She had really messed up, hadn't she?

It was such a sunny day, Mafuyu thought, peering out the window. She knew all of her classmates would be out enjoying the good weather, going on picnics or visiting Phoenix Wonderland. Instead of being outside the in the sun, Mafuyu was sitting in a messy apartment, being made tea by a house hermit in sweats.

"Thank you for coming by to pick up that CD. I would have dropped it off at your house, but the weather isn't great today," Kanade said. Mafuyu was sure that she was the only one who would consider a beautiful, bright day an inconvenience. That was just one of Kanade's quirks, however, what made her her. 

"It's no problem," Mafuyu replied. Kanade had wanted her to check out a knew artist she had found to take inspiration from for their newest song, hence the visit. 

"Here you go," Kanade said, placing a cup of tea in front of the purple-haired girl and sitting down opposite her. "How's school?"

"Fine," Mafuyu replied.

"Archery? Student Council?" Kanade persisted.

Mafuyu shrugged. "All as usual,"

Kanade nodded, not sure how to continue the conversation. Unusually however, Mafuyu did it for her. 

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