IchiSaki- Little Miss Sunshine✿༺๋࣭ ⭑☼𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ

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Saki Tenma didn't like to think about sad things. Not her time in the hospital, not when she believed that her friends would never get back together, nothing that triggered negative emotions. She kept it all locked up deep in a part of herself she swore no one would ever see. She knew her job; to be the ray of light in everyone's life, lifting everyone around her up. Little Miss Sunshine doesn't get to rain on anyone else's life. That's what Saki thought her entire life. 

"Saki, you know I want to hear about your feelings, good or bad,"

Saki looked up at her girlfriend, Ichika. Saki was brushing her hair in the vanity mirror as they spoke about songwriting, and what they wanted to try for their next piece. Ichika was sitting criss-cross in Saki's bed with a notebook in front of her, writing down anything she thought could be useful.

"No one wants to hear about all the bad things that happened. All I can do is try and uplift everyone so they don't have to worry," Saki had said. 

Ichika looked intently at the blonde girl, who returned to brushing her hair. 

"I know, Ichi," Saki said. "I didn't mean that you don't care,"

"I mean that you don't care about your own feelings," Ichika said. Saki looked back at her in the mirror. 

"I care a lot! That's why I try and keep myself happy," Saki said.

Silence fell over the two. They were getting ready for bed during their weekly sleepover, Saki wearing silky pink pyjamas, Ichika in plaid pyjama pants and an old band t-shirt. Neither said anything as Saki got up and walked to the bed, kicking off her slippers and sitting down next to Ichika. 

"But you don't have to be happy all the time," Ichika persisted, pushing the topic further.

"I've spent enough time being sad, okay?" Saki said, a twinge of annoyance in her voice. "I know no one wants me if I'm all whiny and crying all the time,"

"That's not true," Ichika said, lightly resting her head on Saki's shoulder. She touched the other girl's pinkie with her own, slowly pulling their hands together, intertwining their fingers. "I want you no matter what. Even if you're not at one-hundred percent. I will love you no matter how much you cry, or whine, or whatever else you think you could possibly do to make me want to be with you any less,"

"I don't want to let everyone down," Saki said quietly. "Honami is sweet. Shiho is cool. You're brave. And I'm cheerful. I know my role,"

"Honami gets upset at people. She'll fight anyone who takes the last apple pie slice," Ichika said. Saki laughed softly. "Shiho can be sweet and sappy. Remember on Valentine's, when she almost started crying because of how much effort you put into our desserts?" Ichika continued. Saki nodded. "And I'm only brave on stage. When I realized I liked you, I was honestly planning on just avoiding my feelings forever rather than stepping up and telling you,"

"Really?" Saki asked, grinning a little. 

"Oh, yeah," Ichika said. "Ask Shiho. She was the one to point out what a coward I was, told me to get over myself,"

"That's our Shiho," Saki said. "Good thing I confessed to you first,"

"You did spare me a lot of embarassment there," Ichika agreed. "My point here is, no one is just one thing. Everyone is built up of so many different emotions and experiences, and that's what makes them special. You are strong, and determined, and kind, and yes, you're very cheerful lots of the time, but you can get sad as well. And that's okay. It's okay to be upset, to not want to anything some days,"

"And you're okay with me not always feeling awesome," Saki said, nodding her head.

"Exactly," Ichika said, kissing the side of Saki's head. "I'm here for you no matter what happens,"

"No matter what?" Saki asked, a need for reassurance in her voice.

"No matter what," Ichika promised. "Forever and ever and ever," she rested her forehead against Saki's. They held onto each other's hands tight, two girls anchoring each other in the vast world. "I love you if you're sad, I love you if you're happy, I love you if you're screaming and angry and never want to talk to me ever again. I love you however you feel,"

"I love you too, Ichi," Saki said.

"How about we get some rest?" Ichika suggested. Saki nodded, pulling back the comforter and crawling under it. Ichika joined her, facing the other girl so that their noses were only a few inches away. 

"Goodnight, Ichi," Saki said, planting a soft kiss on Ichika's nose. 

"Night, Saki," Ichi said, kissing Saki's cheek. She found her girlfriend's hand underneath the covers, holding onto onto her in the dark room.

Soon, Saki's breathing slowed, becoming heavy and deep. Ichika thought she could try and find a more perfect person, she could search every corner of the world, and never find someone who compared to the girl sleeping in front of her. She was truly the sun, no matter how much she cried, no matter how much she hurt. Saki always found away to shine through the clouds, even when it rained. 

That's what made Little Miss Sunshine so special in the first place; a sun that can't fight for the sky is just an imitator. 

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! The first few chapters of my new MikuRin fic are out now, and I would really appreciate it if you checked it out! There will be a new chapter every day for the next little while! Have a wonderful day૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚

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