MizuEna- Spring Break Vacation!✧˖° Part 1

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A/N: OH MY GOODNESS! This is officially #1 under the MizuEna tag on Wattpad! Wow wow wow, I don't know what to say but thank you all!

As a special thanks for all the reads, I'll be treating everyone to a three part MizuEna story! Now without further ado, let's get into it!

(Also, I know Mizuki's sister doesn't have a canon name, so I'm going to be calling her Momoka in this story just because Mizuki and Momoka sounds cute when you say them together.)

Nightcord at 25:00 was a group that operated from, you guessed it, 1 in the morning. In the dead of night, the four people who made up the mysterious group would join a call, and bring together all of their skills to create new songs in the hopes of saving people who have lost hope.

See, it's right there in the name. NIGHTcord at 1 AM. A group that only works under the cover of darkness. So why they were standing in broad daylight in front of a tall building in hot air with four suitcases was still confusing to Kanade Yoisaki, the founding member of the group. 

"What exactly are we doing here of all places?" Ena grumbled, voicing Kanade's exact thoughts. 

"I told you, this is the perfect spot to work on our new song!" Mizuki said brightly, looking up at the structure in front of them.

"Hideaway Resort & Spa?" Mafuyu read off the nearest sign. "Really, Mizuki?"

"It'll be nice to relax! It would probably help K- er, Kanade unwind a bit and therefore be able to make more songs!" Mizuki pointed out.

That was apparently all it took to convince Mafuyu, who grabbed her suitcase handle. "So, do we check in somewhere?"

"Follow me, my friends!" Mizuki said, grabbing their own suitcase and starting towards the main doors of the hotel.

Two Weeks Previously

"Mizuki, can I come in?" 

"Sure," Mizuki called back. Their sister appeared in the doorway of their room, almost identical to them, just like an older version of the person sitting at their desk, editing away at the newest Nightcord video. 

"So, I friend from work got these for me. I guess she has a part time job at this place," Momoka said, putting four ticket-looking things down in front of Mizuki. "They're passes for this resort thing that's like half an hour away. They're only good a certain time, and I'm out of town when they're supposed to be used. You could bring some friends or something. Your Spring Break just started, no?"

"Yeah, it did," Mizuki said, picking up the four pieces of paper. and looking at them. Hideaway Resort & Spa was written in loopy font. They turned them over, looking at all the different things the hotel offered. 

"You could bring that Ena girl," Momoka said, smirking. 

Mizuki could feel the pink rise in their cheeks. "I regret telling you about her," they said, rolling their eyes.

"Too late now!" Momoka said in a sing-song voice. "Think about it. If not, I'll just get rid of them,"

She left, and Mizuki was alone in their room once again. Invite Ena, huh? That wasn't such a bad idea... it would be nice to spend some time with her outside of Nightcord activities. They could invite Kanade and Mafuyu, although there was no garuntee either of them would want to come. Unless Mizuki said it was for club activities... this might just work. 

Present Moment

"Two rooms for Akiyama Momoka," Mizuki said as they reached the front desk, showing all four of the passes to the woman working there. 

"Alright. Rooms 104 and 105, here you are," The lady replied, passing Mizuki four keycards, two for each room. 

The group backed up a bit into the waiting area. "So, who wants to share with who?" Mizuki asked.

"I'd prefer to go with Kanade," Mafuyu said immediatly, clearly not happy with the idea of sharing a room with either Mizuki nor Ena. She had already previously stated her opinion that the two of them got stuff everywhere and hogged the bathroom. 

"That's good with me," Kanade said.

"Alright, that just leaves me and you, Enanan!" Mizuki said brightly, looping their arm through Ena's. They had secretly been hoping that Mafuyu would ask to share with Kanade, just so they wouldn't have to ask Ena themself and risk her saying she'd rather be with someone else. Mizuki passed out the keycards based on these room arrangments. 

"Don't drag me, I'm coming," Ena said as Mizuki began to pull her towards the elevators. 

Kanade and Mafuyu followed behind the louder pair up to the first floor, where they each disappeared into their respective rooms to settle down for a bit. Mizuki suspected that the forty five minute bus ride and more than three minutes of direct sunglight had taken a toll on Kanade, who would now want to return to her natural habitat of darkness. She really was like a vampire. Or maybe a Minecraft Creeper, Mizuki thought. 

"This is nice!" Ena said, setting her stuff down on the floor beside the bed closer to the window. "I'm impressed, Mizuki. Where'd you even get these passes?"

"One of my sister's friends apparently works here and got them. She gave them to my sister, who gave them to me," Mizuki explained, dropping their own stuff beside the other bed. 

"Wow, your sister sounds nice," Ena said. "I don't think Akito would send me to a resort if it would end world hunger,"

Mizuki laughed. "Yeah, Momoka's pretty awesome. She's off at college now, so she's not around as much, but it's always fun when she comes home,"

Ena nodded, gazing at her friend, who had a happy, far-off expression on their face. Mizuki's eyes were out of focus, lost in thought of their sibling. 

                       ₓ◦。˚○┈┈┈୨˖ ͘ ☆ ͘ ˖ ୧┈┈┈○˚。◦ₓ

"A whole menu of options and you got buttered noodles?" Mizuki said, raising an eyebrow at Kanade, and the large dish of food that had just been put in front of the silver-haired girl. The Nightcord members were sitting in a booth in the resort's restaraunt, an Italian place advertising "Over 20 Authentic Pasta Options Straight From Italy".

Kanade shrugged. "They're very good," she said, shoveling the noodles into her mouth as though she hadn't eaten in days. And since it was Kanade, that was very possible.

Mafuyu was eating some kind of seafood pasta, while Mizuki had orderd fries and chicken fingers off the kid's menu. Ena was busy taking photos of her pizza from every possible angle.

"Enaaa, put the phone down, we're on vacation!" Mizuki said, sampling the chicken fingers.

"Fine, fine," Ena said, rolling her eyes but tucking the phone into her bag nonetheless. "There's a pool here, right? We should totally go swimming after dinner,"

"No," Mafuyu said flatly. "Kanade, did you even bring a swimsuit?"

"I can't swim," Kanade muttered. "You guys go on without me,"

"I'll teach you!" Mizuki offered. "C'mon,"

"Sorry, Mizuki, but I'm going to work on the new song a bit before bed," Kanade said with an apologetic smile. 

"Fine, fine," Mizuki said. "Mafuyu, make sure she goes to bed before 1AM, okay?"

"Sure," Mafuyu agreed, nodding. At least she and Mizuki could agree on how much they cared for Kanade.

"I still want to go to the pool. I'm going to get some pictures in my new swimsuit," Ena said. "Mizuki, you coming with?"

"Absolutely!" Mizuki said, maybe a little too enthusiastically. "What, I like pools," they said as Mafuyu raised an eyebrow at them. 

"Not the only thing you like," Mafuyu murmered under her breath. 

"What was that?" Mizuki said.

"Nothing," Mafuyu said. "I just said, have a good time,"

"Whatever you say," Mizuki said.

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