The terror that awaited

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When i woke up this morning Nothing could have foreshadowed the terror that awaited later that day. I remember.. I was awoken by my brother.

"Get the fuck up Eris" He swung himself through my door way, propping his tall build up against the frame. He looked Pissed, But he always looked pissed. The point is even my brother looked like he had no idea what was going to happen that same evening.

I'd stayed home that day. If i hadn't who knows what would of happened.

It was around 1pm. We were sitting in the living room.. just watching the tv, My brother was home of course- he hadn't been to school ever since he got involved in- You'll find that out soon.

I remember the banging that shook the thin- wooden walls of our small house, it rumbled within the clutter of our living room.

My brother had shot up out of his seat, moving cautiously towards the thumping of the front door. I wasn't even that worried until noticing his hand reach for his pants, fumbling for what i could only assume to be.. a gun. I sat, glued to my position. My phone still sat in my right hand with the video i'd been watching playing over again and again and again. I only remember that detail because when i look back to the scene i still hear the music. Over and over.

He'd peered through the peephole. I remember his face when he must've seen who was pounding at our front door. He must've recognised the face. Known exactly what they were here for. He turned to me with a look of terror. I had never ever seen my big brother scared like that.

"Angelo.. who is it" I had managed to squeeze the words out, although i was still rooted to our dirty old couch. that video was still droning on.

"Eris, go upstairs now" My brother had managed to say, before the persistent pounds turned into a single snap, Resulting in my brother spinning around. The front door had been kicked in. I remember watching as my brother took some steps back- before he was sent flying onto the couch, where he layed stunned besides me.

The boy who'd emerged from our broken door was tall, with blonde locks. Id immediately recognised him. Although i'd never seen him before.. I knew him from whispered stories.. secret rumours that circulated my area. A new 'gang leader'. One who was tall, blonde and terrifying. Well this boy fit all of the descriptions. I was able to put a name to the face that glared in at me and my brother.

Tom Kaulitz

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now