dont try anything

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Now it was just me, The two drowsy boys in the car, the flickering porch light, and Crystals gun. Id picked the gun up, solely to be able to prevent any of them having it. There were way too many things stopping me from shooting the two. Tom was probably already looking for me and Crystal, and i can only imagine what he would do upon finding out that i'd shot these boys. But i had no idea what was going to happen once they'd awoken.


I realised that the sound had come from Crystals car, I stood there- a couple metres to it's right, perfectly visible to Bill and Gustav under the porch light. I clutch the gun close to my hip, not being able to move, or even breathe. The anticipation had me in a chokehold.
Slowly, but steadily the car door was barged open, Followed by Bills tall figure falling backwards through it, onto the gravel. I readjusted, still holding my breathe.

I hear as Bill curses under his breath, still not aware that i'm stood behind him, with orders to shoot him dead. He runs his fingers over his probably sore back, rising too his feet.

"Gustav!!" He whispers, peering halve of his body back into the car. I realise now that if i move even an inch, Bill would hear. It was surprising that he'd not even felt my presence, or seen my face in the reflection of the car.
Gustav groans from the back seat, before he's pulled out by Bill.

"What the fuck! Where am i?" He also whispers, which i find amusing seeing as these boys seam genuinely terrified, i decide i might have fun scaring them- after all Bill had enjoyed terrorising me for the whole time i'd known him.

Gustav was the first to turn his sights onto the large manor house, somehow completely missing me, who was stood just to the side of it. He nudged Bill, so that by now they were both looking up in awe to the large mansion. I clear my throat, bringing their attention to me.

"Trigger?! What the fuck?!" Gustav says aggressively, stepping closer to me and waving his hands up.

I stand there confidently, waiting for him to notice my gun. Bill seams to notice it first, i watch his eyes widen, as he holds Gustav back, muttering into his accomplices ear.

"What the fuck are you doing? Bringing us here- Milas old house?" Bill asks me.

"We weren't planning on bringing you- but obviously you both got in the way." I say rolling my eyes and enjoying my new found power over the two boys. I even dare to take a step forwards, closening the gap between us.

"So now what?!" Gustav says, i watch as his hand slowly reaches for his back pocket, making my heart jump- shit- do they have guns too?

I watch, his face drops as he brings his hand back to his front.

"I have both of your guns- so don't try anything." I chuckle, lying.

"Trigger- you wouldn't kill us?" Bill says.

"why did neither of you tell me that once your a tokio, the only way out is death?" I say, raising the gun slightly and raising an eyebrow.

"I tried to warn you." Bill says, i tilt my head slightly, looking back on what Bill had said. And realising what he'd meant. I was stuck for words. I can't kill them, they did nothing wrong, and in fact Bill tried to help me.. in his own twisted way.

"Fuck- just go. Don't fucking come back. Leave now and i'll save you." I whisper to them. As i watch the two of them scatter off into the darkness. I raise the gun to the sky, pulling the trigger back twice and releasing two bangs that shook the forest to my left. Hopefully Crystal heard it and assumed the deed was done. After watching for a while to make sure the two had completely disappeared, i take one deep breath, and enter the house.

Just from the eerie-ness of the house, i was reminded of what supposedly went down here, the slaughter of Crystals family.. I wander into the kitchen, put off by the stillness of such a big place. Sitting by the counter was Crystal, who'd already started to cook some pasta, which sat bubbling on the stove. She was giggling at some video on her phone, as i went over to sit besides her. dropping the gun onto the surface next to me.

It was strange how at-home Crystal seamed here, she acted as if she'd been living here as usual, but then again she had probably once upon a time.

"you got rid of them?" She asks not looking up from her phone.

"Yea,  in a ditch off a side road." I mumble playing with my fingers- i halve expected Crystal to sniff out my lie, i mean she seemed to be a lot smarter than i ever knew-
But instead, she threw her phone onto the table, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I knew i could trust you Eris!" She says squeezing me tightly.

I smile, rubbing Crystals back.

"I mean- i was worried that you were on the soft side, and you know.. we have to get a bit rough if we're gonna survive this." She says still smiling, her bubbly persona coming right back.

"On the soft side?" I ask, i thought i was pretty strong mentally, i mean i've been through a lot right? I don't even remember the amount of people i've shot.

"Well- I-" She stumbles on her words, still holding me tightly
"I guess i just thought because you forgave Tom..  after Angelo.." She says, clearly regretting ever bringing it up. I just cling onto her, hugging her still tightly. It pained me to think about Angelo.

We finally broke from the hug, "Anyway- we'll leave for Belgium in the mor-"


Me and Crystal both heard it, a clamber from upstairs.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now