Follow me.

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One month later

16th of November

The street felt as though it stretched endlessly. As i made my way towards mine and Crystals apartment. South Leipzig seamed to breath, it was my home now. I walked on enjoying the soothing distant hum of the night clubs. Although i usually find the dark unnerving, there's a comforting tone to it- Almost as if i know that i'm hidden within the darkness, away from Angelo and the snipers.

Anyway, i've made quite the life here, Crystal and i had become really close friends, she'd even introduced me to Georg, and some of her friends who i got along well with.

The only problem was that Georg would often invite Tom round, and although i wanted to speak to Tom, become friends, or anything, i couldn't shake the distant memory of the trouble that he brang me, and that was something i'd tried desperately to forget. So everytime he came over i would stay locked in my room, even though i could hear him ask for me.

Anyway apart from them, i'd found a happy point in my life- id started university, even had a boyfriend for a couple weeks. Not anymore but still.

Id realised that lost in thought- i'd walked straight into my front door, letting myself in i trudged towards the sofa, sinking right into it. But my peace was quickly broken by Crystal and Georg, who'd came barrelling into the room, cheering Crystal threw herself besides me, pulling me up as i groaned in objection.

"ERISS COME CLUBBING WITH US TONIGHTT!!" She screamed. clearly already drunk. This wasn't the first time she'd asked, and every time i'd refused, any club within south Leipzig was bound to be full of Tokio bloods, and maybe even Toms inner circle, Georg was the only one i could tolerate.

Georg added shushing Crystal "Seriously though Eris- Tom said he's got to speak to you there."

Upon hearing those words i sink deeper into the couch, crossing my arms and putting plainly "Pfft i'm definitely not coming then!" To be honest ive been avoiding Tom all month. Acting as if i hadn't seen the two NO CALLER ID missed calls on my phone.

"Seriously its friday Eris! come on i know you love a good party!" Crystal bounced up and down, her black braids clacking together.

She wasn't lying.. before everything me and Kat would always go clubbing. But i remained adamant. If i wanted a normal life the only possible way to achieve that would be to avoid the Tokio bloods, crystal made that hard enough.

But without warning the two lift me up, as i scream and kick my legs, Were all laughing, Until i'm thrown into Crystals bed. Afterwards Georg leaves, locking me and crystal in there together.
I roll around grumbling in her sheets, as i watch her rifle through her wardrobe, afterwards she throws me a black dress. "put this on!" She smiles. "If you come, i might finally tell you about my old roommate." I finally give in, realising i had no other choice.

And a short while later me And crystal enter a nightclub, our heals clicking just as mine and Kats had months ago. I clung to Crystal as we make our way through the smoky dance floor and towards the bar. The music pumped energy into me that i hadn't felt in a while, and i couldn't help but bop my head.

We sit at the bar and have a couple drinks, as Crystal gets up a few times to do some 'jobs' for the Tokios. I didn't say much, but i hated that she was involved with them, and i couldn't believe that Georg would let his girlfriend do there dirty work. I probably just had a personal bias, because that's the same way i watched Angelo become engulfed with the stupid snipers, by starting off with little secret jobs.I could only assume that they had gotten her to do drug deals, because Crystal was always so secret about it. Always saying; "Eris if you wanna know what i'm doing you have to come with me."

I sat sipping my Sangria, just as my favourite song comes on, upon realising i slam my drink down, jumping up to look for crystal, there's no way that we're not dancing to this. By now i've drunkenly stumbled all over the club, realising that she must be outside, i swing the doors open and enter the cold night. I can see Crystal chatting to another girl across the street, as i clumsily approach her calling her name. Realising that the two girls are arguing. I quicken my pace intrigued in the argument, just as i recognise the other girl.. Kat.

Crystals face had turned red, as she shouted at Kat, not even noticing that i was stood beside her.

"What the fuck is happening?!" I shout above there clamour. causing both to look at me.

"Eris! this random bitch just said she'd shoot me if i didn't tell her where you were!! Tell her i'm Georg Listings girlfriend!! He'll fucking squash you !! you blonde bitch!" Crystal yelled at Kat, she was slurring her words and her movement was unsteady, her emotions seemed to have full control over her thanks to the alcohol, and she was now attracting the attention of passers-by. Her shouts almost drowned out the music of the nightclub across the street from us.

"Kat??" I turned to her now, prompting an explanation.

She sighed and spoke collectively. "Is this really the crowd you hang with now Eris? You used to be on top- now your with the rats of Leipzig?"

I shake my head at her words, asking "What is it that you want? you snake bitch?! And don't fucking speak to or about my best friend like that."

She forcefully drags me to the side saying "Can i speak to you?"

I stand straight saying nothing, inviting her to carry on. Gulping Kat says "Angelo sent me to
find you. Eris come back to us."

I search her eyes, trying to find a speckle of truth behind them. But even if she was telling the truth, Kat was stupid if she thought i would ever say yes.

"I suggest you leave south before a Tokio blood catches you." I say staring blankly at her. But behind my vacant expression my mind was working frantically. How the fuck did Kat find me?

"Are you a tokio blood?!" Kat asks,

"No! But seriously Kat. Leave now and don't you dare tell Angelo where i am. I mean it! Your lucky i don't fuck you up right here." I say turning my back to her, me and crystal leave her as she stands speechless rooted to the spot .

We sit back at the bar in an awkward silence. neither one of us wanting to address the situation. But before long Crystal pulls her purse up, reaching into it and pulling out two pills. Handing one to me, she chucks the other one into her mouth, nodding at me to do the same.

"What is it?" I ask inspecting the little green pill.

Crystal shrugs, telling me that i'll like it. So reluctantly i swallow it. Not wasting a single second she pulls me to the dance floor, as we both jump to the song, awaiting the mysterious drug to kick in...

It'd only been a couple minutes, and i couldn't be sure of when this thing actually started to work, but one thing i was sure about is that it was strong as shit. Everything seamed hazy, as i watched the world around me reduce to simple shapes and colours. I could barely feel Crystals grip on my skin, as we made our way towards the stage. We pushed through what seamed like hundreds of people, as i felt my mind completely detach from my body. My vision felt clouded, or maybe that was from the smoke machine- I watched as Crystal pulled herself up on a beam to whisper into the djs ear-probably suggesting a song. I swayed to the music as i admired the way her dark skin glowed under the flashing lights.

I danced with Crystal for a while, being so close to the DJ i felt the bass send vibrations through my body. But as i enjoy the pure adrenaline, i feel two warm hands explore my waist from behind, guiding me to dance at their pace. i turn around to see Bill, smirking meaningfully at me. He whispers in my ear

"Follow me."

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now