my finger finds the trigger

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back to the present

here i am, face to face in a stand down with the feared Tom Kaulitz. Realising exactly how Angelo has gotten himself into this mess.

"Get out" I snarl at him. He was still smirking.

"I'll leave when i get what i came for" he said tilting his gun slightly, and lifting his fingers to tap the side of his weapon in a satisfying beat.

So this is a robbery? i thought to myself. Toms come here looking to get repaid for the thousands that my brothers stupid boys stole.

"I can try and get them to give you the money back" I said attempting to diffuse the situation.

"Oh so you know what your dick brother has stolen? What- are you part of the snipers?" He said through his teeth. Tightening his grip around his weapon. "Pay me back now ."

Now starting to get more agitated than scared i barked "Look around, we have nothing" i emphasised my words, they were the truth.
My living room was small, the thin old wooden walls were laced with cracks and gaping holes. The room was filled with old clutter and the sofas, which were once bright yellow had faded into a snug brown. I saw his eyes dart left and right, as he finally and reluctantly lowered his gun.

Wiping the sweat from my brow i did the same, glad to be out of the firing line. Letting out a tense filled sigh i watched as this boy surveyed my living room, i watched as his eyes fell onto a picture of me, my brother and my mother, we were stood each side of her, hugging her from the hospital bed that she laid  in weakly.

"That's your mother?" he said gesturing his gun towards the photo.

I nod, feeling defeated.

"She's still in hospital?" He asked. Like he actually cared. Sure. He was just about to put a bullet between my eyes but now he's saddened by our sick mother? Right.

"Yes, we hardly have the money to pay for her, so you can look around here all you want but there's nothing of value." I say, my eyes trailing across the room as i stifled back tears of fear.

"Tch" He says in annoyance. What a bastard. He only cares because he knows we can't pay him.. I watch him realising just what kind of criminal stood before me. But i don't get long to get a good look of Toms face, before my brother came barrelling at his legs, forcing Tom to come crashing down in front of me. dropping his gun.

I watch as the two squabble on the floor once again, As tom Reached back for the gun and presses it against Angelos  head, letting out a nightmarish whisper "Pay me back or your dead"

"GET OFF OF MY BROTHER YOU BITCH" I scream pointing my brothers gun back at this intruder. Out of fear my finger finds the trigger, and pulls it back.


Fuck. I sigh as a single bead of sweat trails down my forehead, and onto the gun, which was empty. Now standing up Tom smiled, and in an instant he runs over to me, i'm still sat on the couch and can't find the power to move, i sit in fear, searching, searching, searching for the will to jump up and run. But i never find it. The boy grabs me by the wrist, as i pull back in a feeble attempt to stay put on our weathered couch. Before i know it me and the boy are at the front door, looking back at my brother, laying on the ground with a bust lip. I'll never forget the way he looked at me, so defeated. His eyes said sorry. As Tom shouted 

"Pay me back and you'll get your family back alive"

With that he dragged me out of the door, i struggled against his tall body, but he threw me over his shoulder and into the back of a grey car that had parked up in front of my house.

I frantically reach for the car door, pulling it and pulling. It was locked.

Hearing the engine shudder sent me into a state of panic has i realised the severity of the situation. I was being kidnapped? No, i sat in a ball, My brother would never allow that. He'll kill Tom Kaulitz. Kill him.

As the car jolted forwards, it sent me into the back of the chair in front, that Tom sat in. "Seatbelt." He said so calmly, which sent shivers down my spine.

We pulled out of my front yard as i stumbled to the back window of the car, with my hands pressed against the glass i watched my brother run aimlessly towards us, screaming profanity's as we sped off. My warm breath had started to create a circle of condensation against the glass and i let out a cry of desperation, quickly shushing it with my own hand cupped across my lips.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now