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Toms pov

I walk besides Eris, surprised that she's even tolerating it-
i could tell she'd been avoiding me ever since Nuremberg.

Despite the time, South Leipzig was still very much alive. I watched as we pass a group of men- who all stare at Eris as she struggled to stay upright.

"Pull your dress down." I murmur in her ear before shooting the men a death stare.
Which made them all promptly look away from her.
I mean i understand why their eyes are drawn to Eris,
the way she looked - She just demanded attention. With her striking brown eyes and her lips- Her body.. She carried herself in a way that you'd expect from the sister of the sniper boss , she seamed so in control all the time, so self assured.
(when she wasn't drunk).
I mean i constantly found myself drawn to her, even the first day i met her, all those months ago.

"Eris. I'm not going to keep paying for your apartment if you don't start pulling your weight." I say watching her head spin to look up at me.

"You owe me?!" She says, a hint of pleading in her tone.

"Not anymore. You have to start doing jobs for tokio hotel if you wanna live there. It's the same thing for Crystal." I say slowing my pace so she can catch up.

"But Tom.. i don't want to get involved with any gang shit.. It's what got Lucas  killed- it's what made me shoot dead two kids." She stumbled to get her words out quickly.

I looked down into her big eyes, which held the reflection of the glimmering moon beneath her dark iris's.  sighing i say "Right, if you really didn't want to be involved with the Tokios, why would you go partying in the South? And you clearly did a bit more than partying.. Eris." I say as i notice the red mark on her neck.

Eris looked confused for a moment, but as she noticed my eyes on her neck she quickly moved her hair over it, she sheepishly said looking away "I don't even remember that.. and I only came because Crystal promised to tell me something."

"hmm?" I raise my eyebrows

"To finally tell me about her old roommate- Wai-  anyway!! That's not the point! I don't even know anything about these 'jobs' you and Crystal keep trying to make me do!" Eris stuttered realising she'd overshared in her drunken state

"I'll tell you about that later- But what has Crystal said about her old roommate?" I questioned Eris trying to slow my mind, i had to know.

"Nothing yet- I wanna know what happened- wait did you know her??" Eris said almost jumping at the question

"No." I say looking forward, which was the first time id taken my eyes off Eris to enjoy the scenery.

"You know, you shouldn't drink this much, not to the point where you don't even remember who you were kissing." I laugh at Eris, but i'm serious. My mind can't help but travel to a situation where Angelo could find her like that- drunk and helpless- or even worse.. any sniper wanting revenge.

"Don't tell me what to do" she snears attempting to push me playfully. I've missed that attitude.

For the rest of the walk, or in Eris's case stumble, she fills me in on everything that happened for the past month, as her mood swiftly changes to be a lively drunk. In my opinion the best kind of drunk.

I unlock the doors to her flat complex, of course i had a spare key.. since it was technically my apartment. I mean i didn't want her to know because knowing Eris she's probably throw a fit- but she was way too drunk to even realise.

I let us into the complex, Whilst Eris sat on the curb, admiring the glistening stars which cast light over the city.
making me wonder what she would've done if i'd let her make her own way home.
I have to say nobody i knew got drunk like Eris, she acted like a weight was lifted off her shoulders-
like she could finally be herself.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now