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I sat next to Tom, He'd ordered us two rounds of tequila as we sat and talked, awaiting whoever was a part of this 'drug deal'.

"So what did Bill say to you?" Tom asked taking another shot.


"He was in my room before wasnt he?"

"Oh he threatened to tell Gustav i was in there." I said tapping the rim of my empty glass, before reaching for a fifth shot.

"He's a dickhead, but he knows that your important- He wouldn't ever do that." Tom sighs watching me neck back another glass.

"You two are more alike than i thought then." I giggled, watching a grin appear from the corners of toms mouth.

"Y'know - this is the first time a snipers stepped foot alive into this club." Tom said gazing into my eyes.

"I'm not a sniper, i just hang with them." i said pulling my hair back from my collarbone- showing the empty space of skin where the Snipers get their affiliation tattoo.

Tom stared at my collarbone for a while, so this whole time he thought i was a sniper? What an idiot.
Before he could say any more, three tall men advanced towards us, Tom left my side and stood in front of them, smiling.

"you got it?" Tom asked them reaching into his pockets, pulling out a stack of cash. The shortest of the men on the right pulled out a large white plastic bag, plopping it down on the table besides me.

Tom exchanged the cash for the mysterious bag, before the man who'd been first to approach looked at me, As much as i wanted to look away, hide myself from this strangers stare, I couldn't  bring myself from his piercing blue eyes. He ruffled his blonde fringe before asking Tom "Is she with you?"

Tom nodded, as he watched the three men leave.

So do me and Tom, shortly after. We jump back into his car and he drives us to a dimly lit park in the south of Leipzig.

By now i'd blindly followed Tom through the park gates, realising that i must be drunker than i thought to trust Tom enough to go willingly into South Leipzig. The one place my brothers gang would never step foot. It was riddled with Tokio bloods.

"So.. your a drug dealer?" I said smugly strolling alongside Tom.

He shrugged, grasping the bag  "I'm the supplier, the kids we're meeting are the ones who sell them for me.. And then i get a cut of the profit."

My mind is put at ease by the mention of 'kids' As we followed the trail down this shadowy park, i spot a couple figures hanging around a bench. my heart performs hurdles. Before we managed to get in the eyeline of these teens, Tom stops me, pushing a pistol to my chest. He whispers "Just incase." As i clasp my hand over the gun looking to him in awe.

I hardly knew how to use a gun, but somehow I always ended up with one- I guess it's to be expected with the people i get myself involved with. concealing the gun behind my back, I trudge behind Tom towards these 'kids'.

The bench they were huddled around sat under a halve-lit street light, illuminating their faces as we grew closer. There were 3 boys sitting on the bench, with two girls stood behind, squawking obnoxiously.

The boys rose from their bench, greeting Tom. I stood a couple steps away, observing. It wasn't till i watched Tom hand over the bag that i recognised the boys faces. They were sniper youth. Realising how wrong this situation would play out, i attempt to slink away into the darkness,

"Wait isn't that Angelos sister?" One of the boys says over the chatter, causing everyone to look. The youth sat in silence for a few seconds, clearly trying to figure out what was happening.

I just stood there, watching.

"Shit it is! Trigger??"

"Wait- Why would- Shit did he kidnap her?" The loudest boy added, turning back around to Tom.

Tom threw his hands up in denial, Clearly thinking of an excuse, my heart raced as i realised we'd been caught. If these youth left here tonight alive they would tell Angelo- My brother would know about my deal with Tom. I gathered the courage to step into the light once again, saying

"No- no it's not.." I tried to speak..

I watched as one of the youth grabbed Tom by the collar, dragging him forward and rapidly pelting him in the stomach, Tom recoiled forwards groaning in pain, before shaking the boys grasp and pushing him to the floor. As the boy went tumbling down he dropped the bag, spilling pills all over the grass.

toms pov

i mentally inclined watching the boy fall to the floor, Eris was probably more trouble than she was worth, i mean look at how this situation panned out..

I step forward, as the youngsters look to me with fear. It only drives me more to see people like that. These kids must be snipers. The one who'd punched me laid unconscious on the floor, His tank top left his Sniper tattoo revealed.

I look to Eris, wanting to see her reaction, but as my head swivels to her small frame, i feel an immense amount of weight upon of skull. Just like that i'm on the floor. My hands clench the moist grass as i look up- Dying to see what unlucky bitch did that.

I spring up, looking to the next kid, who's in front of me, holding a rock. That bastard.. I throw myself upon him, i can take him easily. But as i tackle him i feel two more pairs of hands on my arms, holding me in place, and then pulling me back to the ground. My head hits something hard, as i realise just how dizzy i've become. It feels as though time was moving slow as i lifted my head up - which felt unusually heavy and strenuous to move- Eris stood over me, her legs quivering in that tight dress.

That's when my eyes locked to her hands, which pointed a pistol at the two boys. Explaining why i'd not been struck again. I relaxed slightly, realising that She wasn't what i expected at all.. I mean she was holding a gun to her own youth.

"Don't fucking move. I swear i'll shoot you." She shouted.

Although i didn't believe that she would. I mean she shot Gustavs foot, but i doubted Eris's ability to shoot dead two of her own.

I recollected myself, rising to my feet i pull out a pistol of my own. Now me and this girl have the high ground, The two boys look to us with eyes of terror. Whilst the two other girls hid behind the bench wailing. 

I decided that i was in the position to have some fun, to see how far Eris would go. I knew that these kids would have to die, and i know Eris figured that out too, from the look on her face.

But one thing that confused me about Eris, was her morals. The first impression of her that I got, was that she was blindly and stupidly led by her morals. I mean she would put her life at risk for her own brother. But right here i was seeing another light to Eris, She was stood here, willing to kill two youths in order too.. That i didn't know. Was she protecting her own back? Would she shoot them to save herself from being caught going behind Angelo? Maybe she wasn't as weak as i thought.

"Shoot them." I mutter in her ear.


i watched surprised as the two boys dropped to the ground. Eris actually shot them. I smirked, lifting up my pistol to then shoot the unconscious boy and two girls behind the bench. No witnesses could be left behind, for many reasons.

I smirked at Eris, her eyes watered as she still held the pistol straight, it shook in her hands.
So confusing..

This girl was officially a traitor.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now