Do you really think he wont kill you?

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Almost immediately, we were running, Kats body lay dormant in the door way and i swear, i swear i could smell the death clinging onto her as she fought for air. We leaped over her gasping corpse and practically flew down the stairs, Tom led the way as we sprinted through the front door, and towards his car. We had made it towards the middle of the spacious court- type patio, before a bellowing sound could be heard to our right, i wanted to just keep running, ignore whatever it was- But Tom stopped right in his tracks- causing me to come crashing into the back of him, i topple backwards into the harsh grit, pulling myself back up with my hands that were now cut. I look at him as he stares into the distance

"Go!" I shout pushing him, but he doesn't move an inch, I follow his eyes to see what could have made him stop so suddenly, realising that he's looking into the direction that the noise came from. I spun around to meet Angelos eyes, they bore into me as i looked on in shock. He was knelt down besides a red motorcycle, seemingly in the middle of trying to fix it.

His face was contorted with anger, But he bit his lip the way he'd always done when he was stressed. Angelo looked genuinely concerned for me, he'd always been the person to stop me from getting into trouble, always that big brother who could smell a toxic boyfriend from a mile away- so when Angelo looked this concerned i couldn't ignore it.

"FUCK ERIS!!" He screams storming towards us,
Tom adjusts his footing so that he's in front of me, creating a barrier between us.

"You better come here." Angelo orders me, standing a few metres away. His eyes narrowed and twitched, as he stared at me with a face of menace, but i could tell that he was masking a greater emotion, i could tell he wanted to say more, but his eyes Wandered to Tom, as he spoke once again

"I'm going to fucking kill you" Angelo barks at Tom

"Let us go- you don't want what could come from this." Tom put calmly, hovering his arm in front of mine almost as if he felt the need to stop me from reaching Angelo.

"Seriously i'm not stupid. What are you doing here? Trying to cause a gang war? Why the fuck are you trying to take my sister?!" Angelo stresses his words, but i sit and listen, kind of intrigued for the answer.

"She's a Tokio blood now." Tom says coldly.

"You've made it so difficult for me." Angelo says pulling out a gun, i step back, my shoes sliding on the gravel, seriously why does everyone resort to guns?

"Eris come back with me, This is beyond just us anymore, if you go you start a war between the Tokios and the Snipers, do you want to be responsible for all of those deaths?"

I shake my head, biting my lip and staying still.
"It doesn't have to Angelo, just let me go."

"I can't just let him take my sister, Eris?! Don't you realise that's what he's trying to do?! He's only taking you to get back at me." He says tilting his gun to become less menacing. I listen to him, understanding his point, i hope it's not the truth because if it is then i'd be the biggest idiot ever.

Angelo clearly had enough of me standing and thinking, and carried on
"Seriously Eris, you don't know him, Did you kno-"

I cut my brother off "But i fucking know you!! Your not the same anymore Angelo!"

Tom tries to pull me away, but i shake him off, i'm too engaged in this argument, i can't leave things like this.

"You are so fucking ungrateful Eris!! Do you think i would've become a sniper if we could afford food?! I had a life that i left, i had to for you!!"
Angelos voice was harsh, his words shook as he pointed at me, My eyes started to brew with tears, realising the truth. Even if i hated who Angelo had become, I knew that in his heart he'd done it for me.

"Eris just fucking come here."

"It's too late.." I say grabbing Toms arm in reflex. Once Angelo was witness to Kats body, he'd want us dead.

"Come on Tom, let's go." I say pulling him away, we walk a few steps before a bullet sounds it's shrill song through the air. It had only just missed Toms Head, We both ducked, finding shelter behind some furniture that must've been waiting to be moved. It was at this point that i realise the death that could follow if i continued to be selfish. I stand up, showing myself to Angelo, and begin to walk towards him.

"Tom go, otherwise neither of us are gonna make it out alive." I whisper to him before trudging towards my brother.

"Wait! Eris don't be stupid, i can just shoot him."

I whisper to Tom, "No. I don't want Angelo dying because of me, this whole thing is my fault." I say still looking at my brother, slowly trailing towards him. He's staring at me, the gun he just used in his hand still, he looks almost overcome with frustration, and i sort of understand.

"Do you really think he won't kill you after he walks upstairs and finds his girlfriend dead?!" Tom shouts to me, i stop in awe that he would shout such a thing out loud, Angelo clearly heard to,o

"What?" He says holding that stupid gun back at me. I throw my hands up sighing. This is what i get for trying to de escalate a situation?

"She tried to kill me Angelo." I gulp, the reality that Kat was dead hadn't set in yet, But even mentioning her stung.

"Fuck this. You arent my sister- My baby sister. You've let this cunt change you! And for what?! Don't you know what happens when you get involved with him?! You haven't heard the rumours Eris? Or are you fucking Stupid?! I'm going to kill both of you!!"

Angelo screams, his voice began to grow higher and higher, i could tell he was on the edge of tears because of Kat. And all i could do is watch as my brother broke down into an angry, sad mess in front of me. Knowing that it was all my fault.

I flinch as he looks like he's about to shout once more, but instead he jolts forward, Holding his gun up


NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now