this bloodshed belonged to one person

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2 months later

Things have changed for me

following the incident with Toms group.. which i quickly learnt was known as tokio blood, i gained respect amongst the snipers. Although i was oblivious at the time, it turns out that Gustav was an extremly high up man in the tokio bloods, the only two above him were the twins Tom and Bill. Id quickly integrated within Angelos circle, obviously with Katrina by my side. By now we were some of the most protected girls in Liepzig. And for good reason too. Id seen the news articles, thanks to tokio bloods alone, Liepzig was now known as one of the most dangerous cities in Europe. Countless deaths, endless bloodshed had haunted our streets ever since Angelo had stolen that money.

And according to the stories told to me by Angelo and his boys.. this bloodshed belonged to one person alone.. Tom Kaulitz. A name that i'd grown to hate.

I trotted through the doors of the nightclub, Katrina by my side. Our high heels clicked against the polished floors in unison as we strode towards the stairs that took us to the v.i.p section. In here only the biggest personalities in our city were allowed, and of course their company. Me and Kat were officially with the snipers, but we definetely werent important enough to be in the v.i.p section of this particular club.. no.. We were the company.

I find my brother and his friends, all slouched against the white couches of their usual booth. Upon seeing me and Katrina him and his 4 boys scootched up, making room for us to slide into the booth. We pulled the white satin curtains closed behind us. It was unusual for there to be a single female in this area.. Although these gangs often had sluts with them.. this V.I.P area was extremely strict. Me and Kat were the little sisters of this gang.. not their prostitutes- Like Angelo would ever allow that..

"hello trigger, Katrina" Lucas nodded to us both. I cringed upon hearing his words. Angelos friends had found the nickname trigger fitting for me after learning about how id shot Gustav. I hated that name. "Eris." i said to him firmly reminding him of my name. Sighing i leaned over the table, grabbing the bottle of Gin that lay dormant in the centre of the table. Afterwards taking two glasses and passing one to Kat. I shot my brown eyes up to my brother "Angelo, have you heard about the stabbing, an hour ago." I said it loud enough for the table to hear, inviting everyone into a conversation.

His friend piped up, i looked to him, studying him. He was the newest member of the snipers, but had moved up the ranks quickly.. it took a lot to be In Angelos circle. From what i'd heard from Kat, he'd killed a member of Tokio bloods. So in my books this newcomer was welcome.
"They killed one of ours this time." He said looking around the table with a face of complete anger. "Who?' Angelo said raising his voice. The newcomer shrugged as the news twisted into whispers around the booth. "The tokio bloods need to be dealt with" Kat said shaking her head and sipping her gin, her words sparked a wave of agreements throughout the group.

We'd all sat for at least 20 minutes, laughing and drinking. When our laughs were stiffled with fear by the two hands that had appeared parting the white curtains to reveal a horrifyingly familiar face.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now