You're so gullible.

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Saturday, 12th of October

"dad!!!" i screamed running up to him. I moved past Angelo and grabbed my dad, holding him tightly and burying my head into his chest.

"When did you get back from Romania?!"

He took a while before hugging me back, rubbing my hair back like he always used to do.

"A few years, i've been working on the farm ever since your granny left." he said, his voice bringing pure nostalgia to me.

Hearing that however, i unpicked myself from his hold, my image of him turning sour so quickly.

"Mums super sick you know?" I said. To which my father simply nodded, sighing as if he cared.
"Why didn't you come and visit?" I pressed on, raising my eyebrow. Things had changed, clearly. When my father left for work in Romania he'd promised me and Angelo that he would return to us, with money to feed us. But instead he'd been living here away from his children, while i was waiting patiently?

"I-.." My father began, wiping his brow.

"Did you bring a bag?" Angelo cut in.

I shake my head, before leaving the two of them outside, i ran through the door and up into my old bedroom, it was exactly like i'd left it. The old clothes my grandma had folded still sat on my bed.

A while later Angelo enters, holding a plate of cake, before placing it on my desk, he joins me on my bed, as we both stare into the ceiling.

"Lay off of dad please Eris. I know what you think - but after nanny died he took it hard." he says.

"He could've called, or literally anything." I say still zoned out.

"I know." Angelo says, before lifting his head up to look at me. His eyes are red and watery, as he envelopes my hand in his.

"Eris Lucas got into a car crash.. he's dead."
i can hear my brother gulp back whimpers, as i try my best to look surprised. Instead of saying anything i just pull him into a hug. I can't bear to lie to his face when he's so vulnerable.We cry together for a while, it felt good to finally let it out. To finally acknowledge Lucas's death and the effect it has on us. Even though i dislike Angelos decisions, i appreciate having him as a brother because of moments like this.

An awkward dinner later and i'm back into my room, luckily my aunts old bedroom still had a closet full of her clothes, and she had pretty good style, so i just borrowed some of her pyjamas. Laying in my bed i hear rustling from outside, followed by two hands appearing through my window. I clasp my palms around my mouth silencing my gasp as Tom crawls into my room. He stands there confidently, as i rush over to him, closing my curtains abruptly.

" What are you doing??!" i whispered to him.

"Checking on you." Tom replied before casually strolling towards my bed and planting himself down onto it, caressing the pink children's covers with his finger tips. His big build barely fit in my bed.

"I don't need checking on Tom. And i was about to ask Angelo where your money was if you gave me a sec." i say crossing my arms and resting on my hip.

"You looked like your were about to fall asleep Trig. Also i was worried that your brother maybe knew something bad"

"Pffft your worried about me? big old scary Tokio blood Tom is worried?" I mock him, watching a smile appear from the corner of his mouth.

"you think i'm scary?" He smirks.

"No- I" i say feeling my cheeks hotten.

"Let me sleep here tonight." He says, he closing his eyes almost expecting me to say yes, like fuck i would.

"No way." I say gagging.

"It's so cold out in my car." he whines.

"I still need to find out where the money is kept Tom." I say assertively, trying to pull him out of my bed from his t-shirt, to no avail. He didn't budge whatsoever, instead crossing his arms laying down, looking smug.

"You want to take my shirt off?" He teases me, making me let go of his clothes immediately.

"Tom go- What if you get caught?" I say more seriously this time. Finally he rises up out of the bed, walking solemnly back over to the window.

"Can i at least get a blanket?" He chuckles opening the curtains back.


"By the way you still owe me- I've saved your life how many times now?" He smirks, trying to stay in the warmth of my room longer probably.

I tut walking right up to him, A couple centimetres away from him, Our bodies press together as i tug on the neckline of his tshirt, guiding his face down to be in front of mine. "This is my thank you." I whisper softly, as he looks at me desperation in his eyes. But before our faces get any closer, i pull both curtains shut, trapping him behind them. I laugh as he rifles around trapped in them.

"Your so gullible." I say teasing him. Like i would ever kiss Tom, stupid. He thinks he's the only one who can play games, well that should show him.

"You bitch." He laughs before i hear him finally climb out of my room.

I decide to chuck a blanket out to him as he was walking off into the darkness, it lands on the back of his head, before he grabs it spinning around to look up at me. I mime 'Thank you.' Before leaving to go and speak to Angelo.

Entering his room i watch as my brother lights a smoke, placing it between his lips he looks up at me. "What?"

I shut his door behind me, throwing myself into his desk chair and spinning around in it.

"Does dad know about the money?" I say acting nonchalant. My brother shakes his head, saying

"Nah, just make sure he doesn't go into the attic, if i'm not here."

Bingo. Attic, i make a mental note, that was a lot easier than i thought. I didnt think Angelo would be that trusting to just tell me where it was like that.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now