Worse than death

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we looked at eachover to confirm it, we'd definitely both realised that something- or someone was upstairs. Maybe a homeless person seeking refuge in an abandoned manor? a rat? whatever it was, i think our mutual silence showed that me and Crystal wouldn't feel safe until we'd checked it out.

This time i was the first to act, partially to make sure Crystal could rely on me, to show her that i wasn't 'soft'. My hand slid back onto the gun, as i gripped its handle. I stood up, slowly moving towards the hallway. Hearing Crystal fumble for something in her own bag, i watched her- as she pulled out a green pistol, the initials GC burnt into its side. Of course it'd been Crystal who'd stolen his gun. I smirked at her, as we both silently glided towards the stairs.


We stop for a moment, briefly appreciating that this was most likely something living. And something that was very much still above us.

Crystal smoothly moved past me, guiding me through her big house. We were as silent as the house had stood before we entered, slipping our shoes off to avoid the tap of their soles. We bounced up the staircase, staying low as we climbed. The footwell at the top of the stairs split in two directions, Forwards and Left. I look to Crystal, squinting yet again to see her face as she nods in front of us, saying lightly under her warm breath

"It came from over here." She says. We grin at eachover, we were emotionally clinging onto each other , it was obvious that we were both scared out of our minds, but we could rely on ourselves, and our guns. We both had trust that the other wasn't a pussy, we'd both proved the opposite.

I liked the dynamic between myself and Crystal, it was different to that of me and Tom for example. Me and Crystal knew that we needed eachover to survive- whereas Tom always looked in control, so much so that he probably didn't need me to help at all.

As we came to the third door in a dark hallway, my straining eyes are dragged towards a yellow light protruding through the crack. I grab Crystals shoulder, pointing her to where the subtle light was escaping out into the hallway. Her fingertips reach out to brush the handle. We both prepare ourselves for whatever we were about to walk into. My hope was squatters.

She bursts the door open

"WE HAVE GUNS!! BE CALM" crystal screams as we both enter the room.

My eyes scan it, It was pretty empty, apart from a couple of paint cans in the corner of it, i twist my head and my gun, towards the end of the room- it was pretty long- looked to be in the middle of being renovated. The walls and floor were a blank white, and at the very end of the room was a single, thin curtain sectioning off a corner of it. The smell of the room attacked me as i'd finally inhaled. The smell of unfiltered faeces stung my nose. I swivelled to Crystal, who was staring right back at me. We both had no idea what to do.

A single jolting sound shook the thin curtain, which was followed by a muffled  wail. I stood there and watched as Crystal stepped forwards, planting herself beside the curtain. She prepared herself, before pulling it back with force. And the scene that met my eyes, i could never have imagined. Not squatters.

A single wired cage sat pushed right into the corner of this big room. and in it sat a tall and skinny girl. She could hardly fit into this cage- which was obviously designed for dogs. Her shoulders poked through the gaps in the wiring, she was a sorry, sorry sight. My gut wrenched as my eyes landed on her knees, the bone almost escaping through the skin. Not a single ounce of meat clung off of this girl. Her face housed no hospitality, not a glimpse of humanity behind her wide eyes. Only desperation. She looked as if she might have once had a similar dark skin tone like Crystals, but it had verily diminished into a numbing grey. This girl seamed drained of everything as her claw like fingers grabbed onto the wire caging.

Crystal let out one, long and anguished scream. Before she dropped to her knees in front of the girl.

"MILA?!!!" She cried. Her fingers clinging onto the cage.

"Crysta....?" The girl uttered, her voice was dry and hoarse.

I stood in the opposite corner, in shock. My brain was trying its hardest to process.. WHAT THE FUCK?!

"Why is she here?! I though she was dead.." I ask, watching as crystal fiddles with the lock, desperately trying to get to her sister.

"So did I. Those sick fucks must've kept her here.." Crystal utters through a tight jaw. She sounded enraged as she helplessly crashed her fists against the cage. Causing her bony sister to scramble away from her. This girl seamed traumatised through and through.

"Fuck..?" I say, still stuck in front of the door,

"Help me Eris." Crystal cried, frustrated by her failure to be able to free her sister.

Realising that i probably should've helped earlier, i slowly and cautiously tip toed towards the two. Not that i was scared of the girl, I was thoroughly disturbed by her appearance. She looked skeletal, her large brown eyes bore through their sockets, right into mine.

"This is what i meant Eris.. Tom is a fucking psychopath.. one of those boys must've been coming here to feed her.. How can you even look at her and leave her like this?!" She mutters, as i pull at the door of the cage, it didn't budge a bit.

"You might want my key." A voice sounded from behind us. Mila was the first to see who the voice belonged too, as she wailed inhumanely, crashing her weak body against the walls of the cage. I also recognised the voice, the same one that i'd told to leave and not fucking come back. I couldn't even turn around to face him, i was pissed.

"Bill?" Crystal whimpered. She was clearly broken by the state her sister had been in for God knows how long.

I hear tapping against the concrete floor, as Bill must've been approaching.

"I never agreed with keeping her here.. I wanted to just kill her." he sneered.

"You didn't do anything to stop it though.." Crystal says to Bill

"I told Tom.. I told him- This is far worse than death.. Even Mila didn't deserve this." He says, i finally bring my head to meet his, and he genuinly looks repulsed, but also saddened, by the sight of Mila.

"Give me your key." I hear crystal rattle the pistal forwards, threatening Bill.

"You guys are done for. Tom will probably be here any minute, it's around now that he comes to feed her." Bill chuckles, throwing his hands up.

"I'll let him know that he'll need some more cages. Although he'll probably just kill you, Crystal. You see he thinks he's saving Mila, keeping her from death. Because that's how he loves. Eris- I don't know if he loves you.. But you'd better hope he doesn't. Otherwise you'll probably end up just like skin and bones here." Bill teases us. I shake, imagining what Mila must've gone through. 'Love' I feel like nobody fucking understands that word. Nobody. There was no love in my life- and if it claimed to exist, it was probably some twisted infatuation, not love- just control.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now