2 Days prior..

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2 days before

Me and my best friend Katrina were walking back to mine after a party, it was dark, around 2 in the morning. We were pretty wasted.

Our heels scraped the brittle path as we stumbled home. Katrina pulled out her phone after it'd buzzed in her bag.

"oh my gosh Eris look at this" she stammered pulling me closer to look at a news story. It read:

Newly Affiliated gang terrorise the streets of Leipzig, as masked teens are seen violently raiding local small town banks in a number of co ordinated attacks.
6 different banks were targeted this morning. One of the main suspects is Tom Kaulitz, who is thought to be the 'leader' of this violent group.

Katrina clumsily pointed towards one of the pictures to the right of the article

"Look Eris...you live soo close to that! Oh my gosh i bet it was your brother"

I pull myself from her embrace, tutting as i shook my head "No Angelo isn't into that stupid shit, he just smokes."

"And he hangs around with the Snipers.. one of the biggest gangs in Leipzig Eris.. They were probably the ones who did it." She argued. I love Katrina but she was so fucking stupid.

I quicken my walk slightly and throw my arms out in protest "it wasn't Angelo!" I snap at her. adding on in a gentler tone "it was a 'newly affiliated gang' remember.. the snipers have been around for years"

We continue to walk in silence for a while.. Only because Katrina knew i was right. However i did feel bad for getting so defensive, people often tried to tell me that my big brother was a bad guy- but i knew the real him, the reason he got into crime. So it infuriated me when people who barely knew my brother tried to define him by the people he hung with. He was nothing like those criminals. He had a good heart and good intentions, that's what mattered to me.

When we reached my house, my eyes darted to Katrina, who was swaying by the door waiting for me to find my keys. "Run up to my room Kat" i tell her finding the keys and letting her in. We walk past my brother and his friends, they were all sitting by the table, looking at something. I would have just followed Kat up the stairs without even saying hello to my brother, but that 'something' that Angelo and his boys seamed so entranced by caught my eye too.

I stopped just before running up the stairs, and slowly walked towards them, hiccuping whilst growing closer.

"What's that Angelo?" i say peaking over his boys heads, Although my brother jumped from his chair to shield me from seeing it- it was too late. Id already seen it. A huge pile of cash laid sprawled along the table. The boys were counting and sorting the notes into rubber bands. My brother guided me out of the room, whisper-shouting

"What are you doing Eris it's so late?! Don't bother us."

"Where did you get that from?!" i say, only realising how loud i'd been afterwards when i noticed a couple heads from the table spin around to watch me, I must've been drunker than i thought.

"Did you rob those banks?!" i question, my head spinning from the scenarios i'd been imagining in the moment.

"No, my friends took it from the people who robbed it though"

Without another word, i give my brother a disgusting look and run past him and his boys, to Katrina. I had to tell her what i'd heard

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now