Your a bitch

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Thursday, 10th of October

A short while later Lucas reappeared down the stairs, now dressed. Who was followed by Kat. He entered the kitchen and sat opposite me, but i could hear kat plant herself on the bottom stair, probably listening.

"Eris. I'll call your brother if you want but i was with him yesterday in Nuremberg. He said that he won't pay for the medication with the Bank money."

I sat puzzled by what Lucas had just said so blatantly

"What do you mean?"

"The money that we stole from the Tokio bloods, Angelo wants to spend it on other things, keep the group in business you know?"

I didn't know. There's no way that what Lucas was telling me was the truth. But i knew he wasn't lying. Lucas was like family. When i was little it was always me Angelo and Lucas. Us against anything. So he out of all people should understand me?

"Your telling me that Angelo is going to let our mother die so that he can spend that money on drugs, or whatever the fuck you snipers need?" I said feeling myself become frustrated. I looked at Lucas, he looked almost sad.

"I- I don't know what else to say Eris.. It's Angelo's decision."

I couldn't believe what My brother was doing. There was no way in Hell that i would EVER pick some fucking gang over my family. And in fact i got myself involved with Tom kaulitz just to try and save his Ass.

I ask Lucas to call my brother, trying my best not to lose my shit.

Now that i was on the phone to Angelo i shouted

"Are you fucking serious Angelo!"

"What? Eris?" My brother spoke back.

"Your not going to buy Medication for mum?!?"
I felt like crushing Lucas's phone in my hand.

"It's complicated, Eris."

"It's not at All- your a fucking bitch." With that I put the phone down pressing it hardly into Lucas's chest.

"Calm down Eris!" Lucas said softly. But it was too late. I was in shock from the audacity of my brother. How could he?

I left the room, feeling the warmth of my face. Kat stood up from the stairs as i approached her. She grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into another hug, rubbing my back soothingly.

It'd been a couple hours, i sat in Kats bedroom with her after she'd managed to calm me down. I still hadn't told her the real reason as to why i was there. In fact Kat was Oblivious to most things that had gone on in the past two days.

"Oh Eris you won't guess what i saw on the news." Kat began as she flicked through one of her magazines.

"What?" I leaned closer to her, sat on her bed crossed legged.

"Yesterday night five sniper youth were shot dead. Tom kaulitz again people think."

I gasped acting surprised, as if i didn't recognise that to be the five we'd shot. As if Lucas had been listening, he swung through the door saying

"One of them was my old friend, Ben."

"That's terrible, im telling you someone needs to kill Tom kaulitz." I said playing the role.

" I wonder what those kids were even doing with him though.. weird." Kat said to me and Lucas.

"Yea what were they thinking going into south Leipzig." I mutter.

But what followed my words was the most uncomfortable silence.

"How do you know it was South Leipzig?" Lucas questioned me. raising his eyebrow.

I gulp looking up to him, i was afraid that he would hear my heart pound. "I think i saw it on some news article."

He nodded and left.

The next morning

Friday, 11th of October

i'd slept over at Kat's. Telling her i was too upset about my mother to go home.

Waking up i realised that I was alone in Katrina's bedroom. I decided she wouldn't mind if i finally got out of this green dress and borrowed some of her clothes.

Slipping on her pink sweats and a white tank top, i head downstairs, about to work out what to do next.

Kat worked Fridays, so figuring that i was home alone i went to go and make some breakfast. But to my disappointment Lucas entered swiftly after. His tone sounded serious.

"I need to ask you something Eris."

I nod, not facing him and still looking around the kitchen for something to eat.

"What happened to Jason."

That name. That fucking boy. It made me stop dead in my tracks. I shot my body around to look at Lucas, his eyes were suspecting, but i don't think he knew much.

"He died." I attempted to tell him as little as possible, not being able to control my nervous body language i played with my fingers behind my back.

"Yea- but how did he die Eris?" Lucas spoke quickly, he obviously had something on his mind.

"Lucas. He tried to kill me, maybe even rape me."

"Eris." His eyes studied mine fiercely, as i started to think that maybe Lucas knew something.

"Tom kaulitz killed him. Jason killed a Tokio hotel" I blurted, closing my eyes and shaking my head.

"Why didn't Tom kill you?" Lucas pressed on again.

"Because jason-." I was interrupted

"No. I mean why didn't Tom kill you when he kidnapped you. All those months ago." Lucas crossed his arms.

"I don't know?" I frowned at him, my voice shaking with guilt. But it was the truth, i had no idea why Tom didn't kill me back then. We only made the deal a couple days ago.

"Eris is Tom like, your boyfriend?"

I widened my eyes as my mouth hung open, I looked to Lucas, who stood there, so confident in his accusations.

"NO- What the fuck lucas he literally kidnapped me and tried to kill Angelo?"

"But- that's how you knew that Ben was killed in South of Leipzig wasnt it? The news article never mentioned that bit. I bet Tom bragged to you after he killed the snipers  didnt he?!"
Lucas sounded almost frantic, like he was picturing exactly what he was saying. I stood there in disbelief, not a word was able to leave my mouth.

"OH!! and - and this is the best part!" Lucas practically jumped, he'd remembered something big, my stomach curdled.

"My friend saw you two in the club, on Wednesday night. You were wearing the same fucking green dress that you came to us in!"

I frowned at Lucas. Even though he's got some things wrong i had to convince him that i had nothing to do with Tom.

"I don't- Lucas. I-." I stumbled on my words. My head was spinning

"I can explain."

"Eris don't worry, i'll help you. I'll make sure he never finds you. But you have to break up with him. otherwise you'll be killed for being a traitor. I'm the only one who knows."

"IM NOT FUCKING DATING TOM KAULITZ I HATE THAT MAN." I screamed over Lucas, i couldn't bear to hear him ramble on. I didn't even hate Tom but.

"So what is it then? Is he blackmailing you?"

I sighed, taking a seat.

I explained everything to Lucas, everything from the deal i'd made with Tom right down to how i had to kill to keep my secret. At the end of it Lucas just looked at me. He said nothing.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now