I'll shoot you

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That face.. the one that i'd grown to hate. I hadn't seen it since shooting his 3rd boy. Tom looked to us, as we all stared at him in disbelief.

I slowly slid up the booth, nestling besides Kat. I could feel the steady rise and descend of her breathing.. of course- she'd never seen him in person until now and i knew from experience that Tom was followed by a certain aura that struck fear into his victims. Her long blonde curls had fallen onto her forehead, but she looked too alarmed to pay it attention.

I watched as Tom put his hand to his hat, pulling it down and back up in a greeting gesture. He smirked and hopped into the booth, sitting right besides me.

"Try anything and see what happens!" Angelo said obviously startled by Toms unusual act.

"Calm down i'm here to talk.. I'm on my own." Tom said in a weirdly calm manner.
He turned to the newcomer "It's funny that i'd find you here.. Jason. I've been meaning to talk to you." I heard as the new boy gulped, staring straight on into the eyes of a mass murder. probably To this boys relief, Tom quickly turned his head to look to me, "And you.. Eris- or trigger? Well... you've grown up haven't you!" It was off-putting how happy he'd sounded. I just sat there besides him, not saying a word. Nobody did, not even Angelo.

"I still remember watching you shoot Gustav.. Did you know you hit straight through his ankle.." Tom slid one long finger up and down my bare shoulder. "His foot was basically detached." I shivered at how he'd managed to describe such a gruesome scene with such a cold tone

At this point Angelo had slammed his fists down onto the table, causing an eruption of clinking glasses and flinches. "Touch her and i'll shoot you right here." With that Tom threw his hands up in a sense that said 'What did i do?' "okay okay!" he giggled.

"I just wanted to say that these murders, they won't stop until i'm payed back my Money." Toms tone sounded serious this time.. eerie.

Before he departed i felt his warm breath tingle my neck, making my hair stand on edge he whispered "i ought to tell Gustav your here.. He wants to kill you" Those words sent me into Shock.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now