Like a baby

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Friday, 11th of October

Lucas finally spoke, after a while of him sitting there and processing everything.

"What the fuck Eris?!"

"I did it to protect Angelo." I said burying my face into my hands.

"Angelo doesn't need it. Do you know that the snipers can take the tokio hotels in a fight? If Tom ever said he could kill Angelo He was bluffing." He clenched his jaw, acting like i was the stupidest most oblivious person he knew. In reality i doubt that Lucas would know what to do in the situation i was put into.

"So what now? Are you going to rat?" I whined.

"Im taking you to Angelo- we'll see what he says."

"No." I slam my fists down on the table. I was sick of people telling me what to do.

Within seconds Lucas had rose from his seat. He grabbed my arm lifting me towards him, before muttering "Im doing this to save you, who would you rather face- Angelo or Tom?"

"How about neither?" I shout barging Lucas out of the way and sprinting out of the room, I bolt out of the back door, Attempting to scramble over Kats fence. But just as i reach the top a force pulls me back down. And with the momentum my head makes contact with the ground. Hard contact.

My vision is blurred and slightly impaired. As i struggle to open my eyelids i'm greeted by an unfamiliar scene. My head felt heavy as i lifted it up to scan where i was. I was laid sideways in the back of a car, with Lucas driving . As my head pounded i tried to piece together what was happening, when the recollection of our conversation finally hit me.

"Lucas??!" i winced holding my head.

"I'm so so sorry Eris. But it's for the best." His voice shook as he kept his eyes on the wheel. " you shouldn't have ever got involved in either the snipers or tokios."

"No no no no" I plead. Telling him how furious my brother would be.

"I'm taking you away from here. Somewhere safe." he says.


"I'm taking you to Dresden. Tom or the snipers will never find you."

"But the snipers don't want me dead?"

"They will once they figure out what you've done."

"..." Too many things were happening at once, i could hardly process what was going on. And to add onto my initial confusion, a loud metal bang sounded from my behind, as the car violently jerked forwards, Lucas began to curse and threw his head back to look out of the back window. I did the same and the face that peered in at me sent shivers.

Tom was sat in his car, his knuckles white from the immense amount of pressure he was putting onto his steering wheel. He'd crashed into the back of us, trying to stop Lucas.

"Shit it's Tom!!!" i cried. Id much rather be safe away in Dresden then face Tom angry.

Lucas must've stepped on the gas upon hearing that name, we accelerated forward making my head fall back into the chair, I had to peel it up to look at my surroundings, the outside seamed to blur into one Mural, a sloppy abundance of colours raced past from outside of the windows, making it so that i could hardly see where we were. We were zooming down what must've been the motor way, and i decided to stick my head out of the window and catch another glimpse of Tom. As a result of the rapid speeds my hair fell out of its bun and wafted around in the air. I saw him, That face made me sure that Tom was really who the news said he was, a killer. He practically snarled at me.

Throwing up my middle finger i re entered the safety of lucas's car.

"We have to lose him!" i scream.

Lucas swivels round to face me, completely taking his vision from the road. His cheeks are red and blotchy.

"Eris your like the sister i never had. I'm sorry that me and Angelo ever got you involved in this shit."

I feel my eyes well up. Those words i hadn't heard in a while. 'Sorry'. Angelo had never apologised- nor did i find him to be apologetic whatsoever. At this moment i'd realised just how much Angelo had fucked my life, I mean if he didn't get into all this gang shit id probably be somewhere in University, not trying to escape Tom Kaulitz.

"It's okay Lucas, let's just get out of here." I said. My sentence was cut off as we went rapidly to the left. The immense power of the pull of the car sent me out of my seat, i barrelled into the side of the window, as i felt us flip over. We'd crashed. The car finally stopped rolling and i lay pressed up against the window. Everything went black for a while, My face felt wet and cold. once i opened my eyes i noticed blood drip down from my forehead onto the bridge of my nose. I must've been in shock for i couldn't feel any pain, or any means of where the blood could be dripping from. The situation afoot quickly became clear as i heard crunches approach us, realising It must've been Toms footsteps. The car was upright, although i know that we'd definitely rolled a couple of times. My eyes lay straight onto Lucas. The scene in front of me almost warranted vomit. Lucas's unresponsive body lay halve way out of the cracked wind mirror. I scurried into the front of the car, shaking him. His body was flimsy and heavy.

I pulled his face out of the mashed glass, and- He was drenched in blood. A huge gash presumably from the windshield lay all the way from his chin to his ear. Almost splitting his face in one bloody mess.

I wailed his name in fear, holding him on my lap and rocking him like a baby. One loud and quick sound overpowered my sobs though,


i quickly faced where this sound had come from. Realising that Tom was standing just metres away, holding his gun to us. In my panic i hadn't even realised that Tom had shot Lucas. My eyes fell back onto the body lying on me as i saw a gaping wound in the back of Lucas's head. He was dead.

I screamed and screamed. Realising that i was probably next.

Instinctively i escaped. Running from the car. We were on the side of the motorway. But to my left seamed to be a large forest. In which i sprinted.

I was probably still in shock, realising that i never even thought through what i was doing. I scrambled past the foreboding and dark trees, up a little mound. It was the type of place that if i wasn't in the circumstances that i was, i would indulge in. The floor was blanketed in a bouncy rich green moss. And a soothing river trailed off into the distance.

I clawed my way past the trees, peeking behind me to see Tom catching up. In front of me lay two big boulders which led to the top of a larger mound, at least 12 feet high. Thinking quickly i scaled the rocks, reaching the top of this hill. Quickly i kicked the rocks down with my legs, making it so that there was no way back up the hill. I sat there watching Tom slow down, as he reached the same Hill. He stopped and looked up to me, as i sat with my legs dangling off of the edge of the mound. His chest rose and fell as he breathed heavily, with his face plastered in sweat, he groaned

Happy birthday to abigail1bowes !!! hope you have a great day ml🫶

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