You are trouble, Eris Lovell.

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I look to Crystal, who's dancing on Georg. Gross. Deciding id rather die than stand there watching those two practically have sex on the dance floor, I reluctantly follow Bill as his tall slender body weaves through the crowd and slips into a back room. I have to almost run in my heels to keep up with his long strides. As sketchy as this whole situation is, i'm way too high to care. I brashly cut through and follow him into a dimly lit janitors room, shutting the door behind me. I turn around to feel his body rapidly press against mine and he pushes me into the wall, smothering my face with his chest. I struggle under his skin, becoming breathless.

I manage to look up, He looks at me, His stern hold housing an intensity enough to frighten anybody,His eyes glared at me under the black eyeshadow and, even in his intimidation- his raised eyebrow and smirk gave him a touch of charisma, making my heart flutter. Inviting the question of.... What does he want??!

"I thought i told you not to stick around??"
He whispered smoothly, his words brushing my cheek. A tint of Alcohol lingered in his breath. I couldn't tell if i was dizzy from that pill, or the intimacy of how close we were. I rested my head against the wall trying to keep as much space between me and Bill, but he simply moved even closer.
"Your trouble.. Eris Lovell."

"I.. I haven't spoken to Tom. I swear." I mumble, shrinking down under him.

"That's not the point Eris. As long as your close by, you seam to have some sort of temptation follow you. My brother doesn't need to get himself involved with you. And i don't trust you."

"I'm not involved with the Tokio bloods."

"Then why are you in South Leipzig?! dirty fucking sniper." He spoke, each word carrying a poisonous weight to it.

"I'm not a sniper! they want me dead." I raise my voice, stepping forwards confidently pushing Bill back, as i figure that I'm not going to let this creep intimidate me.

"Just tell me.. What is it between you and Tom? Are you sleeping with him? Why is he paying for your home?"

I'm repelled by Bills accusation,
"NO! he owes me, remember? God you are so stupid Bill. Now get the fuck out of my face." I sneer as i pull the strap of my dress up. The room is hot and sweaty, the air smells of Bill, as we are basically pressed up against each over.

He grins, throwing his head back and exclaiming, as i'm flashed of his strong jawline. "I see why my brother likes you.. You're so feisty-"

I just stare at him, realising that we're both wayy drunker than we thought. We bicker for a while,as our inhibitions seemed to drop lower and lower, tension filled the room, it was almost intoxicating. As we argued more and more our bodies grew closer and closer, until it felt inevitable. Bill grabs my shoulders, slamming me back into the wall as he explores my neck with his mouth. Upon the force, i exhale deeply, complying even though i know it's wrong. It has to be this stupid pill, almost making me want Bill. My hands caress his back as he pushes himself into me, his hands grabbing at anything they can hold. Everything seams to happen so fast, because by now we're both inside eachovers mouth, sloppily sharing a drunken kiss. My eyes are squeezed shut, as i cling to him tightly.

I realise that i haven't had this in so long. It was exiting,  as i peek one eye open to glance at Bill, his hands fumble around his belt, but i watch as he frustratedly pulls away from me, desperately trying to undo the band. Which is when i realise just how much he looks like his twin. The mere thought of Toms strikes a nerve in me- What the fuck am i doing!? Maybe i'm a bit less drunk, as i start to process what's happening. "Stop, Bill what the fuck?!" i shout barging past him. He tries to block me but i duck under his arm- the one advantage of being so much shorter than Bill, falling drunkly into the door, finally back into the noisy club.

I reemerge into the crowd, turning back to see Bill leave the room but head quickly outside. Finally i find Crystal, who grabs my hands shouting, "ERISS YOU MISSED IT!! OH MY GOD IT WAS CRAZY!! THERE WAS A HUGE FIGHT"

I stand there listening to Crystals story, the sounds around me drowned out by my thoughts, all i can think about is what just happened, and the fact that i kissed Bill back. I didn't like Bill at all- He just had such a seductive demeanour. Crystal could clearly tell I was lost in thought, and took that as i sight that i needed more drinks, as i felt myself get pulled back to the bar.
At this point, me, Crystal and Georg had had our fair share of shots, we all sat around the bar laughing, as the crowd in the club slowly started to wittle down. Until there weren't many people left.

"Where were you when that fight happened Eris? meet any guys?" Georg said smiling suggestively.

"Who knows?" I say looking at him and Crystal, as i down another shot.

"LETS GO AND PARTYYY" I scream jumping up and running to the almost empty dance floor. I hop around wildly, running my hands through my hair and letting loose, this felt good- too good. I knew i'd be embarrassed and probably hungover in the morning- but as of right now i felt light as a feather- free and careless. Within seconds Crystal had joined me, as we danced for a while. Until she looked at me, clearly burnt out.

"i think i gotta get home Eris." She sighed wiping her brow.

I nod as we both trail back to the bar to regroup with Georg. But too my horror, Tom is sat besides Georg. I stood rooted to the spot, probably overreacting to be honest. I decide to walk over ignoring him, as i hear Georg say

"Crystal come back to mine tonight." He winked at her. She smiles grabbing her bag and turning to me,

"Will you be okay getting home on your own Eris? should i call you a taxi?"

Georg speaks up, pointing to me as i stand there swaying "Look at her- shes fucked up! Eris we'll walk you home first."

I shake my head, stuttering "na- noo don't worry I'm fine walking *hic* home on my own guys. I'm older than both of you!"

It was true, the age bit anyway, i was lying when i said i was fine- i could hardly see straight.
But that would be so embarrassing getting taken home by two people younger than me, Crystal and george were both 18, one year younger than me. I would've been the oldest there but i'm pretty sure Tom was 21.

"I'll take her home. I still have to talk to her anyway." Tom sighed. clearly sober.

Crystal looks at me almost worried, i knew she didn't like Tom, not that she ever told me why. 

"Alright- but i don't think you'll get much of a conversation out of her right now." She sighs reluctantly. before her and Georg run off and hop in a taxi. Why the fuck were they all talking about me like i wasn't there? Like i was some kid getting handed around? I could feel myself becoming totally pissed off, as i finish my drink and grab my stuff.

I'm left with just the bartender and Tom. Who's staring at me with a straight face. Almost as if he's analysing me.

"What? And don't follow me- I'm walking by myself. I still don't like you." I say before walking quickly out of the door. Hearing Tom follow closely, placing his hand on my shoulder as i carefully make my way down the stairs.

"I don't think you have the right to be angry at me anymore. I pay for your apartment."

I want to argue back- but he'd made a fair point.

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