Closer to death

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sunday, 13th October.

<7 hours before.>

I sleep peacefully. Until a Hand drags me out of bed. I fall to the floor, not being able to get a single word of protest out before my nose is met with a quick and forceful punch. I swear i hear a crack. Finally opening my eyes i'm met with a face of pure rage, as i lift my hands up to protect my face. My nose is soaked in blood and ears are ringing. I can't even place together what is happening, before i'm pulled up by my hair, making me cry out in pain.

Angelo lifts me up, as i push him back, he shrieks at me "YOU FUCKING KILLED LUCAS YOU SLUT!!" His fist meets my stomach, as the air is blown out of my lungs. I process what he just accused me of, huh? Maybe i could imagine being called a traitor, a thief or a liar. But to accuse me of murdering Lucas? He's fucking crazy.

However upon realising that all the words above apply to me ; liar, traitor etc, I become conscious of the fact that maybe i'm not a good person.

Anyway, before we become off track- i scream back at my brother "What the fuck Angelo?? Like Hell i killed Lucas??! I wasn't even there when he died!!" My eyes water as i clutch my stomach.

"Just calm down Angelo and let me explain!" I say to him, he looks at me as if he wants to punch me once again, so my eyes scan the room looking for an exit. My brother was terrifying sometimes.
But as i look to the door, I notice Kat stood there, shaking as she onlooked my abuse. What is she doing here???

"Eris.. i know you were with him on Friday." She mumbles.

"Kat! Tell Angelo to calm down before he fucking hits me again!!" I cry at her, running over and holding onto her jacket like a lost child. Not even questioning why she was all the way in Nuremberg.

"You killed Lucas, Eris." She says forcefully moving me.

"What? No i- Kat what are you even doing here?" I ask.

"Who do you think fucking told me that he was murdered?" Angelo says getting in my face,

"who do you think fucking told me, that you were sitting beside him the day he was found with a bullet in his skull?!!" Angelo barks, His words echoing in my eardrums.

I look to Kat, then back to my brother, sheepishly walking backwards and sitting on my bed, bringing my knees up in a ball to protect myself from another one of his outbursts.

"I didn't kill him!! Kat what have you told him?! I didn't kill him!!" I shout, desperate to de escalate the situation.

Kat steps forward, she looks scared, as if i'm not the one being beaten up. "Eris i know it was you. The day He died he called me, He said he knew something bad about you. He tried to save you from something, Eris. You still killed him!"

Those words cut deep, as i realise that Lucas died in vain, the very thing he tried to save me from was happening. He knew it would happen- And if i hadn't ran away from Tom Lucas wouldn't be dead. So maybe i did kill Lucas, somehow.

"That" I try to plead before Angelo silences me, slamming his foot into my legs, pushing my back into the wall, as my back smashes into it. I cry out in pain, laying sprawled on the floor, before i feel two more stomps on my back. I couldn't breathe. My mouth tasted like metal, it was blood. Is he going to kill me right here?

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now