Get out

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Bill reluctantly throws us the key, as i watch crystal hold what was left of her big sister in her arms.

"How old is she?" I ask trying to break the silence.

"23 now." Crystal says.. as the both of them sit on the ground together. Milas tall body shaking

Crystal suddenly throws her head on my chest, whispering so that Bill behind us couldn't hear.

"in 3 seconds run."
i nod slightly, wondering how Crystals going to manage to get Mila past Bill.

It had probably been 3 seconds, but i sat crouched beside the other two girls, waiting for them to also move.

Just like that, crystal hauled Mila up onto her feet, i rose from the ground also. All three of us bolted towards the door, where Bill stood. Mila seamed to be wobbly, but she'd managed to keep up. I bet the only thing stopping her from collapse was adrenaline.

We reach the door, as i watch crystal barge past Bill, pushing him into the wall as the three of us escape into the hallway. Crystal props Mila up as we all scramble down, i'm stuck behind them both, And Milas making us slow.

"Where are we gonna go?!" i scream as we hurry down the staircase."

"Out of this fucking country!" Crystal shouts back. But just as my foot reached the third step down, A hand grabs ahold of my hair. pulling me forcefully back. I scream, my hands searching for Bills. I try and shake him off, but by now he's dragged me back into the hallway. In one thrust he throws me to the ground, and i hit it hard, a cry of pain escaping my lips. I realise now that i'd left my gun in Milas room. crawling to my feet, i run away from Bill, who's obviously taken off guard that i didn't try and go down the stairs again.

I make it back into the long room, my eyes immediately falling onto the gun, stupidly laying besides the cage. I mentally kicked myself, scrambling past the door- I hoped Crystal and Mila would wait for me outside, but i knew i wouldn't have made it past Bill. Just as i run into the room, a heavy weight throws itself on me, causing me to come crashing into the ground, my face eating the concrete floor. Bill was now laying against me, in one last final attempt to stop me. His heavy weight holding me still, his knee pressed sharply right where Angelos bullet had hit me

"Your on my fucking bandage!!!" I scream, kicking my legs.

"I know, i see the blood through your shirt." He laughs pressing his knee deeper, as i try desperately to escape him. I could tell just from the way he'd said it that Bill was enjoying this, backing up my idea that he was a fucking psychopath.

i manage to pull one arm free, wriggling it through a gap between mine and Bills body, with all of the strength I have left, i dig my elbow straight where I knew it would hurt, I heard a gasp from above me, as Bill swiftly let go of his grasp, clutching his  area. I roll to the side, finally able to move, quickly running and grabbing the gun, i swivel back around to Bill, standing confidently, I grasp my bloody hip, and point the pistol at him with my free hand.

"Why the fuck did you give us the key just to try and stop us from leaving?!" I shout at him, watching as he recollects himself and eventually realise that I have the gun. his black eyeliner smudged from the encounter

"I just wanna see what Tom will do- when he realises what you've done.. you know.. let them escape." He smiles, seemingly unfazed by the sight of my gun, or the blood that's now pooling on the floor from my hip, which is growing in pain.

"Your fucking disgusting.. I should've shot you! What did i do to you Bill?!" I say, my voice shuddering with frustration and pain.

"You ignored me, you became a Tokio and now you want to pussy out" He says

"I never agreed to being a FUCKING Tokio!!" I scream, the gun shaking along with my body, i hear it's rattle as i try and hold it still.

Bills face drops as i say that, almost as if he's realised something that is a turning point, I hope.

"You didn't do the tradition?" He says, looking slightly more taken aback.

"What fucking tradi- No Bill."

"So, You never Killed a Sniper? You never asked for this?"

"No- Please just let me go." I plead with him, lying obviously- but as much as i knew i was pretty sure he didn't know about Kat.
bringing my eyes slowly to my gash and then back up to him, Bill almost seamed regretful, which was a first.
Reluctantly, without a word, he nods, stepping aside. Allowing me to slowly and cautiously make my way towards the door, however i keep my guard up- the gun still pointing readily towards Bills stupid face.

"Bye." He mutters, as i make my way towards the stairs once again, hoping and praying that by some slim chance, Crystal would be outside in her car. As i'm stumbling down the stairs, i realise how steep they actually are, in attempts to steady my pace and my mind, my hand reaches for the wall.

I swear, for a second i could hear my mother, i shake my head, must've been some dizzy distortion. Maybe Bills voice- but no, the way she spoke was unmistakable. It echoed around me, surrounded my mind

"Get out."

Her voice was cool, soft, fuzzy. Id realised now how slowly i was moving- before my vision became fuzzy, the creaks of the staircase muffled. And with that i must've collapsed.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now