Left without me

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We'd waited till nightfall, i sat trying to calm my nerves, my rucksack already packed sat waiting readily besides me on my bed. Things didn't work out exactly how we wanted.. Crystal was called last minute to do one of those concealed stupid jobs. She said she'd be back around 12:30 to pick me up, which made me hesitant to even go through with the plans.

My phone finally read 12:30, standing up i took one deep breathe, looking solemnly at my room, which i would hopefully never see again.
I open the door slowly and carefully, poking my head out into the hallway, i can see the kitchen light still on from the end of it, and can hear distant chatter of what seemed to be Tom, that older woman and Georg. I slid through the living room, attempting to leave the apartment as quietly as possible. The fear of being caught had consumed me, and with a shaking hand, i pulled the door open, me and my backpack spilling into the lobby of our apartment complex. I didn't even shut the door for the fear that it would be too loud.

I swiftly picked up my pace, lightly running down the hallway- my trainers making a slight patter as they glided against the floor.
I pressed the elevator button rapidly, jumping into it. Looking at myself in the mirror, i looked a mess, my face was plastered with the anxiety of Toms presence. I mean if what Crystal said was true.. then i want nothing to do with Tom- seams like he'll end badly for me.

I finally make my way out into the street, surprisingly the winter air only comforted my skin, which earlier yearned to leave my bedroom.
My eyes dart left and right, as i walk up the street in search for Crystal, realising i have no clue what car she'll be in.

I neared the top of my street, realising that i recognised two figures in the distance, Bill and Gustav. They must've been on there way to meet Tom and Georg. Thinking quickly i throw myself behind a small convenience store, my hands pressed against the cold wet bricks. They hadn't seen me, but that didn't stop my heart from almost breaking out of my chest. And i was starting to imagine the worse.. That crystal could have possibly left without me.

They were quite far away, but i could tell they were growing closer as there voices began to echo through the streets, they were obviously drunk.

I still kept an eye out for Crystals car, and the worst timing ever, i see her in a white BMW rolling past slowly, obliviously. cursing under my breath, i jump out into the street calling for her, i run quickly into the car, shutting the door once id jumped in besides her. Crystal looked at me shocked, but suddenly she'd noticed them too.

And they'd noticed us, The two boys had started to jog lightly over to us,

Gustav was the first to reach us, and all i wanted Crystal to do was step on the gas, get us out of this town, but she seamed to have had a plan.

Gustav placed both of his arms resting on the window of Crystals door, looking in confidently at us.

"Where are you two going so *hic* late?" He slurs. Just as Bill catches up.

"Trigger." Bill nods at me, to which i awkwardly smile back, my mind casted to the last time me and Bill had met..

"Where just.. Doing a few jobs." Crystal says clutching the wheel.

"Oh? Who for?" Gustav presses, clearly not buying our story.

"Amy, Where dropping off her shipment." Crystal sighs, clenching her jaw.

"So you won't mind if we hop in for the ride then?" Bill sneers , that same sly demeanour, i watch as he stares at Crystal menacingly, once again flashing us that stupid tongue piercing.

I was pretty impressed at how Crystal had reacted, as i watched the two boys jump in the back seat, she even offered them both a mint each. My head was stuck forward, looking at the road ahead as i wonder how the fuck we were getting away with this. As Crystal attempted to create small talk with the boys, whilst slowly driving on.

It'd been a couple minutes, and the car had fallen into a deep silence. I finally turn my head to look at Crystal, asking her with my eyes 'what the fuck are we gonna do' . She seamed a lot more calm than me, as she just nodded triumphantly towards the two boys. I follow her nod to see that they were both slumped clumsily over eachover, in what seemed to be a deep sleep.

"I just gave them the newest drug on the streets, but triple the dosage. They should be out for a couple hours." She smiled.

I exhale, laughing chuckling as my shoulders drop.
"I was sweating.."

We'd been driving for a while, not that i'd even asked where we were headed,  enthusiastically chatting about how stress free our lives will be away from Leipzig, away from the Snipers and Tokios.

And- i have to admit, i felt as if a heavy weight had been taken from my shoulders, felt like i wasn't in the midst of death finally.

We finally pulled up to a house, in Taucha, i think. It wasn't as far as i'd hoped, but Crystal had assured me that it was temporary, her and Milas family house, She'd told me it had laid dormant ever since the incident.

I hop out of the car, squinting to see the house through the dark, it was a beautiful manor house, to the side of it, feilds by the mile stretched towards the lights of Leipzig. I watch the twinkle of my once home. Laying my attention back onto the situation at hand, i look through the back of the car, realising that the two boys had begun to stir. I feel the pit attack my stomach once again

"What are we going to do with these two?" I ask, watching as Crystal hauls our back packs towards the door. She drops the bags down attentively, as i see her throw something to me, it sounded heavy as it clanked upon the gravel beside my feet. I try and make out what the thing is, as Crystal flips the porch light on, i realise that that 'thing' was a gun

"Shoot them." She says coldly, before picking the bags back up and dragging herself and them through the front door, disappearing and leaving me with an impossible task.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now