You dont know what love is.

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Sunday 13th of October

It was now 6:21pm. If the dusty old grandfather clock that i was sat below still worked anyway. Meaning i'd sat here in squalor and torment for around 7 hours. I wasn't completely alone for the whole time however.
Who knew a pretty simple plan such as sneaking money out of an attic could go so wrong so quickly. I was sitting in my own filth and blood, tied up in the attic. The money gone. I was almost going crazy. Thinking about everything for 6 hours straight,

i mean it's stupid right? After our deal- i'm the one who's left like this? I'll probably die in here.. rot away without anyone even noticing. Id managed to move the old rag from my nose, now able to inhale the thick air. The attic smelt like one thing and one thing only, Damp. The anticipation was what reduced me to tears, the thought that any moment could be the moment where he'd come back to kill me, but surely he wouldn't kill me? I thought. Then remembering the countless bruises covering my body, my bloody nose and aching back- okay maybe he would kill me.

Id screamed until it felt as if my throat was bleeding, but the rag around my mouth muffled my noise. My dad would never be able to hear my cries for help.
Id lost track of time, not possessing the energy to even lift my head up and see the clock. When somebody finally entered the attic, bringing the light from the house to flood the room, allowing me to see Kats face. She walked over, Makeup streaming down her cheeks. It was fucking ironic that she'd been crying. She kneels down besides me, removing my mask.

"Eris i am so sorry... I didn't know he would do that." She sobs , caressing my blue and yellow skin.

"You bitch." I cry. Finally being able to breathe through my mouth.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She repeats herself, although i don't get any less angry at her.

"Did you want him that bad?" I snarl at her, my arms and legs still tied together, rubbing against my wounds.

"You wouldn't understand." She sighed before pulling out a kitchen knife and sawing at the ropes that bound me.

"Was it worth it? Look at me Kat!!" I yell, as she winced at the sight of my bloody face.

"I could ask you the same Eris. Was it fucking worth it? Look at you now. You could've avoided all of this shit by just behaving." She berated me. I was left speechless, Was it my fault?
She finally frees me as i stumble to my feet, grimacing. it was only now that i'd realised how much i ached.

Kat pulls me in for a hug, as i stand there stiffly. Not being able to even look at her. My 'best friend'. She then pressed a pair of keys into my hand, whispering

"My cars outside, be quick."

And although i hated her for getting me into this situation, i still asked her to come with me. To which she answered

"I have to stay here, he'll kill me if i go."

I shake my head looking at her "He'll kill me too, please we can escape together Kat."

"He won't kill you Eris- he loves you."

I scowl at Kat, pointing to my bruises i raise my voice. "Do you think this is love, Kat?!" I wasn't done, throwing my hands up to gesture the attic

"Do you think any of this is fucking love?!! You don't know what love is do you."

"I loved Lucas." She mumbled.

I didn't know what to say to that. Instead i decide to leave her, quickly making my way through the house and out into the field. I hopped in her car and drove, I drove and drove until i cried. Not even knowing why i was crying. Everything just felt so helpless. Where am i going to go now? Who will help me? And how am i going to get that fucking money back.

NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now