Physically sick

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"I need to speak to you." I whisper into the phone.

"Trigg- Eris?" I listen to Tom stumble on his words, his voice still hoarse and deeper than usual.


"It better be important.." He sighs before explaining to me that he would order me a taxi to go and speak to him in person.

I silently throw some clothes on, Obviously Angelo couldn't know where i was going. As i was slipping into my low rise jeans i imagine his face if he ever found out what i was doing. I would be known as a traitor, The snipers might even kill me for working with Tom. But i don't give a shit. Angelo and my mother are my family. Not the snipers.

I rush down the stairs upon hearing the beep of the taxi.

"Where are you going?" Angelo said making me stop by the front door, turning to face him slouched down in our sofa, in the same place he'd been the day Tom broke in.


"Be safe Eris, and let me know later if your coming with us okay?"

I nodded and headed into the taxi. Hopping in the back i watched as the taxi driver turned around to look at me, my smile faded recognising the only other person who could rival Tom for being the most feared in Leipzig, His twin Bill.
At least this time he greeted me with a smile, unlike the first time i'd met him- when being held captive at his house.

"Hello trigger." He said grinning.

"What Are you doing here in front of my house?!" I whisper-shouted whilst ducking under the car window- away from my brothers view.

"Picking you up obviously." Bill rolled his eyes and began to drive.

We'd driven for a while before i decided to ask Bill if he knew of mine and Toms deal, hoping he'd say no as i clearly remembered telling Tom not to tell anyone about it.

"He told me enough." Bill said plainly.

I tutted frustratedly, wanting just a simple yes or no from this idiot. The only reason i even put up with Tom is because of our deal, I still held a resentment for the rest of the tokio bloods, Bill included.
By the time we'd gotten to the house, i was exhausted. Bill chatted the entire drive- which wasn't what i expected from the second leader of my brothers rival gang.

I was shown through the twins large backyard, to Tom, sat under a gazebo in a hot tub. He was wearing shades with his hair tied up in a bun.
I sighed smirking as i walked up to him. He looked like a total diva, especially with the way he was holding a glass of.. some sort of tropical alcohol.

"Hey." I said finally reaching Tom. He looked to me with an unreadable expression, his usually cold eyes hid behind his shades.

"So what did you find out." He said tapping the side of his hot tub, motioning for me to sit on its ridge.

"My brothers going away to wherever the money is kept today.."

"And where's that?" Tom shot.

I shrug, saying "No clue yet, but he's asked me to go with him."

Tom sat for a moment, His tanned body clutching the side of the tub, as he clinked his glass down beside where i was sat. Now he was right opposite me, but still in the water.

He shook his head in disagreement. "Don't go just yet. I need to sort some things out first."

"Okay so i shouldn't go today?" I said looking at him, my eyes drawn to his toned arms.

"No-" Tom said interrupted by a ringtone that played to the side of me.

I passed Tom his phone, as he answered and listened to whoever was on the other line, i watched his smile drop.

Not anticipating Toms reaction to this bad call, I watched as he lifted himself out of his pool. He looked scared almost.

"Gustav is coming. And he's not far."

I felt physically sick hearing him. I didn't know what to do, still sitting at the side of Toms hot tub i looked to him for anything.

"Come on then." He said hastily grabbing my hand and leading me back inside his home. I followed quickly behind him. His toned back still dripping from the pool.

Tom had led me upstairs and into a bedroom- which i'd assumed to be his. It was dark, not only in decoration but the lighting. His blinds where shut, leaving little sunlight to break through in feeble attempts of feeding my eyesight.
He grabbed me by the shoulders, and although his voice shook, i still couldn't see his eyes, i wish i could've, maybe Tom was actually concerned for once.

"Just stay in here." He said before leaving me and slamming the door. I stood motionless in the middle of his room.

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NEMESIS || TOM KAULITZ 18+Where stories live. Discover now