Surprise Bonus Chapter:

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A/n: Hello, everyone. Surprise! I noticed in the comments of people mentioning the KFC Carman promised Y/n, so I thought, why not write it? So, it will just be like a long one-shot type of thing! I hope you enjoy it! Also! I'm aware that not everyone likes KFC or eats meat, but just pretend you do if you don't.

Y/KFC/O = Your KFC order & Y/d = Your drink.


**Y/n's POV**

It's been a while since the party I attended at Annie's house. I can't believe that it led to dating Kenny McCormick.

Cartman and I made a bet before the party that if I can make myself look hot and stuff, he'll buy me a KFC, and today is the day I cash in my reward.

After lazing around my room all morning, I begin feeling hungry, so I get out of bed and get ready for the day before saying goodbye to my mum and leaving the house.

After a few minutes, I arrived at Cartman's house and walked towards the front door. I knocked, and within seconds, Cartman's mum answered.

"Oh, hello, Y/n. Eric didn't tell me that you'd be coming around," She smiles at me, surprised to see me. "Come in; I'll call him down for you." She offers.

"Thank you." I thank the lady as she steps aside, and I step in and close the door behind me.

"Eric, Y/n is here to see you!" She calls up the stairs.

Cartman doesn't reply as I begin to feel awkward standing beside his front door.

"Come on, Eric. Your friend is waiting!" His mum calls up the stairs again.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Cartman yells back, frustration in his voice.

I hear banging from upstairs before I see him walking down the stairs, not looking pleased.

"What?" Cartman snaps, looking at me.

"Eric, that isn't a way to speak to your friend," Liane scolds her son.

"It's okay, Miss Cartman," I reply, giving her a kind smile before she leaves us be.

"Are you going to tell me why you're here, or are you here just to bother me?" Cartman snaps, in Cartman fashion.

"I'm hungry, and you owe me a KFC if you haven't forgotten our deal," I say, looking at him smugly.

Cartman goes quiet in this rare moment as he thinks of something to say or a counterargument, but when he realises I'm right and there is nothing he can do about it, he heaves a sigh.

"Fine. Whatever," He huffs, walking towards the door. "Let's go." He adds.

He doesn't bother telling his mum where he's going and doesn't even give her the satisfaction of a goodbye.

< Time Skip brought to you by Kyle's mum >

A few minutes later, we arrive at our destination and walk in through the double doors, Cartman not bothering to hold the door open for me.

I look around the place, seeing it's busy but not full. I follow Cartman up to the counter.

"What do you want?" He sighs, uninterested.

"I'll have Y/KFC/O, and for a drink, I'll have Y/d," I inform Cartman.

"Fine." He sighs.

We wait our turn and don't talk; we barely spoke the whole time, making things a little awkward, but I guess it's not all bad, considering it is Cartman we're talking about.

Once it's our turn, we go up to the counter; Cartman orders what he wants first before ordering my order; we wait a bit. Once our orders are ready, Cartman takes his order but leaves mine, leaving me to pick it up myself.

We then walk over to an empty table and sit down. Cartman doesn't waste time before he begins eating.

I then begin eating my food; it's quiet for a little before Cartman speaks.

"Happy now?" He questions, unimpressed.

"Very." I smile, taking a sip of my drink through the straw.

"Where is Kenny anyway?" Cartman asks me after a few minutes.

"He's spending some time with Karen today," I inform him, taking a bite.

I must admit it's very weird spending time with Cartman, one on one; this is the first time it's ever happened in all my years of living here. There is always at least one more person, so this is a strange experience.

Cartman and I stay at KFC, occasionally talking about random things as we eat and drink before we make our way home.

"Well, I'm going home." Cartman huffs.

"Thanks for the food", I smile at him.

"Whatever," Cartman mumbles as we go our separate ways.

I can't help but laugh at his reaction before I make my way home, now full and happy.

As I near my home, I see a figure standing outside the gate; I squint and notice the orange parka, and I smile as I hurry myself up. He notices me walking towards him, and he stands outside my garden on the path, his hood up and his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Hey, Kenny." I smile, stopping in front of him.

"Hey. Had you KFC?" He asks, knowing about my plans beforehand.

"I did." I smile.

"Was it good?" He questions.

"It was very. Cartman was less than pleased that I cashed in my reward." I laugh as Kenny steps towards me.

"Do you have anything planned now?" He questions, collecting my hand into his.

"I don't." I grin.

"Wanna hang out with me?" He wonders a lazy smile on his face and hope in his eyes.

"With you?" I question, acting like I need to think about it for a second, before I smile, "Always."


A/n: Hope you enjoyed that! I know it isn't very long or exciting; I'm a little rusty when it comes to writing. But I hope it was a nice surprise. Thanks for reading!

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