Chapter Twenty-two:

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A/n: Hey everybody. This one is super, super long. I got into the flow of writing and it turned out super long, anyway hope you like.


**Y/n POV**

After lunch all the lessons went by pretty quickly, and even though I saw Kenny in the hallway, when I was on my way to my locker between lessons, but we'll need more than a rushed two minute conversation in the hallway.

I set my pen down and look up at the clock on the wall at the front of class, there's still two minutes before the bell rings, before we can go home, until tomorrow anyway.

On cue the bell rings, I stay sat down because I'm in no rush, I then see Kenny leave the classroom quickly.

Two, three minutes later I pack up my things, it's a nice afternoon, a little cold but I feel like walking home today.

The class is empty at this point, I grab my backpack and swing it onto one shoulder before walking out of the room into the hallway.

There are people spread around the halls, on their way home, to detention or to an after school activity. I'm strolling along when I see Craig not too far away, on the other side of the hallway.

"Craig!" I call, making him look around the small group of people in the hall.

I walk towards him, he sees me and gives me a brief smile, I get to him a moment later.

"Hey, Y/n." He says, I haven't seen him since the lesson just after dinner.

"Hey. What are you still doing here?" I wonder.

"Detention." He tells me, matter-of-factly.

"Oh Craig." I sigh, shaking my head in fake disappointment.

"Yeah, well the teacher was being a fucking loser," He states, making me giggle. "I better go before they double my detention." He adds.

"Alright, have fun." I say, smiling at him.

"Always do." He says, walking off.

He turns around, so he's walking backwards, and flips me off with a slight smirk on his face, I give him a playful smile and flip him off in return. He then turns around again and off he strolls.

With this I walk through the semi empty hallways, and out of the main doors. I hop down the steps and walk home, thinking about Kenny. It's not that I don't want to talk to him and sort everything out, it's just I don't know what to say or where to start.

Minutes later, I walk into my garden and straight into the house, I put my bag down and take off my outside clothes, and hang them up and put them in their place.

"Hey mum!" I call to the house.

"Hey, Honey. How was school?!" She asks, from the kitchen.

"It was alright," I reply. "I got homework!" I yell, getting my backpack at walk up the stairs.

Walking into my bedroom, I close the door behind me and drip my bag by the door, and kick my shoes off to a place unknown and jump on my bed, glad to be home.

I then spend time on my phone, doing homework, just trying to relax but unable to stop myself from thinking of Kenny and what I'll say.

~Kenny's POV~

It's been about two days since I last spoke to Y/n and I'm a mess. I didn't realise how much I'll miss her until now.

I miss everything about her, her hair, her smile, her body, her hugs, her lips...I miss her kisses so much.

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