Chapter Twenty:

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A/n: Hey everyone! I have a bad case of writer's block, so this chapter was kind of forced a little. So, sorry if it isn't very good and full of mistakes!


**Y/n's POV**

It's been a month since the disco, a month since Wendy spiked my drink. Since then, whenever Wendy and I are near each other or in class you can cut the tension with a knife.

I want to act out, beat some sense into her, but even though I strongly dislike her I'm acting like the bigger person and not scooping to her level.

It's Saturday, mid afternoon, and I've been at Stark Pond for a good portion of the day with Token and the guys, just hanging out and stuff.

"So, have you and Kenny done it yet?" Clyde wonders, out loud.

"Gee gah Clyde!" Tweek twitches, shock in his voice.

"It's just a question. So have you?" Clyde asks again, this boy has no shame.

"No, Clyde. We haven't done it." I clarify.

"Really? But you've been together for like over a month, and it's Kenny we're talking about." He says, surprised at my answer.

"Well, we're not like you Clyde." I answer, sass in my tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Clyde asks, a little confused by my statement.

"So, what do you all want to do?" Token asks, stopping mine and Clyde's conversation.

"I gah d-don't know. That's too much pressure!" Tweek freaks out.

"How about we go into town?" Clyde suggests.

"Good plan. We can get some food." Token agrees.

"A-and gah coffee." Tweek yelps.

"Yes Tweek, and coffee." I reply, patting the jittery boy's shoulder.

So with this decided we get up off the bench and make our way into town, chatting all the way there.

"Where's Butters?" I wonder randomly.

"Why?" Clyde asks.

"No reason. Just haven't seen him around today." I admit.

"I think he's hanging out with Cartman and the rest." Craig guesses.

"Or he's grounded, gain." Adds Clyde.

"Probably." I shrug, feeling sorry for the boy, as we turn into Tweek's coffee shop.

We walk up to the counter, and line up to get a drink or whatever the others wanted. When I hear the boys behind me whispering.

I ignore them, thinking there probably checking some poor girl out, or at least Clyde is. But they carry on whispering and I catch them glancing at me every now and then, with worry in their eyes.

Wanting to know what they were looking at, I turn my head  and my heart-beat speeds up at the sight of Kenny talking to a girl. I can't see the girls face all I can see is long black hair and a purple hat, wait is he talking to Wendy?

Then all the memories come flashing back, everything she's said and done. My mind goes foggy as I jump to conclusions left and right, he's cheating on me isn't he is one of the many thoughts playing on my mind, but I try and ignore it as I know deep down Kenny wouldn't do that to me, he's promised he wouldn't hurt me. Am I so insecure that I don't believe him? But whatever he's doing he's speaking to Wendy for some reason and that annoys and upsets me more than it would if he was cheating on me.

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