Thank you!

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A/n: Hello everyone, I'm not expecting for you to read all of this if any.

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who read. I never even dreamed that so many people would enjoy, vote and comments. It's amazing.

I was incredibly nervous to post this fanfiction, as it's my first ever fanfiction that's out there for everyone to read and it's a fanfiction about an animated TV show.

I understand that my spelling, punctuation, grammar and all that stuff isn't amazing but I tried really hard to make sure it was as good as I could make it.

I enjoyed writing it, it has been a tone of fun and I would like to write another one soon, but I'm not sure yet.

Who would you like to read about next? If I decide to write again? Stan, Kyle, Craig, Clyde, Butters, Tweek, Cartman even? Maybe one of the Goth Kids...Let me know and I'll think about it. Please let me know!!

Also all the pictures I've used though out the book are not mine so 110% of the credit goes to whoever made them! They're awesome.

Once more thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and adding it to your library it means so much to me.

Till next time, goodbye! ❤🤛

Edit March 2019: I have a new fanfiction out

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Edit March 2019: I have a new fanfiction out. It's a Kenny McCormick one. It's very different and something I've never done before. I'm planning it to be 4 parts. But yeah, feel free to read if! You guys are amazing!

Edit July 2023: It may have taken me forever but I've finally finished editing it up! It isn't perfect but it's better than it was! This fanfiction came out so long ago and it's still doing so well, and I'll never be able to explain how grateful and surprised I am at how many people read, and interact with it, and enjoy it! So, all I can say is thank you so much, it means the world to me! I really want to write something else but I've lost my creativity, but maybe one day!

I Remember A Kenny McCormick & Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now