Chapter Two:

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**Y/n POV**

The first two lessons go by pretty fast, and as soon as I know it, it's brake time and I'm sitting in the canteen waiting for the guys. I bought my own snack for brake.

"Hey." I greet Clyde.

"Hey. How were your lessons?" Asks Clyde, as he sits beside me.

"They were fine, yours?" I reply, before asking him back.

"Yeah, they were alright," He shrugs. 

"We have that Math test next." He adds.

"Oh yeah. That's going to be interesting." I say, taking a sip of my drink.

Within a couple of minutes everyone else joins us at the table. We talk about random things, drink and eat. We're minding our own business, deep in conversation, when we hear two familiar voices.

"Shut up Fatass!" Kyle says harshly.

"Don't call me fat, Jew!" Cartman retaliates.

 "They're at it again. They fight like a married couple." I sigh, looking at them on a table near by.

"Gah, you can say that a-again." Twitches Tweek.

The bell rings fifteen minutes later, telling us that our short brake is over and it's time to go to Maths. We all get up and head to class, we're all in this class. The guys and I walk into class, that's filling up with student's and conversation. I take my seat next to Craig, one row from the back.

"Hello Class. Today we're going to be doing a Maths test." The teachers announces.

"Boo!" Yells Cartman, from his seat somewhere in the middle.

"Sit down Eric." The teacher says sternly.

"Make me." Taunts Eric.

"Sit down right now. I won't hesitate to give you lunch detention." The teacher fumes.

Eric then shuts up and sits down, mumbling stuff, probably only because he doesn't want a late lunch. The teacher then continues talking about the test we're doing today, they then get Scott Malkinson to hand out the papers.

"Thanks." I thank, glancing at the Math paper doubtfully.

Scott just shoots me a small smile as he puts the test in front of Craig, who doesn't say anything, like normal. 

Looking down at the page of problems, I can't help but sigh. I hate Maths, I don't understand it very well.

I'm about to start the test when I feel a soft tap on my shoulder, I turn around slowly to see Kenny leaning over his desk.

"Erm, yeah?" I inquire.

"Mhm mp mymph mh mhp?" Kenny mumbles.

I concentrate super hard on his muffled words and this time understood what he said, for once.

"You want to borrow a pen?" I check.

He nods his head in response and I smile at him, before turning back around to get a pen out of my bag, before turning back to him to handing it to him.

"Mhpmh mph." He says. {"Thank you."}

"No problem." I smile at him.

<Time skip bought to you by Kenny orange parka>

An hour later and we're done and head to our next class of the day, Science, which I have with Tweek, Butters, Token, Kyle, Stan and my other friend, Debbie. 

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