Chapter Twenty-four:

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A/n:Hello everyone and welcome back! This is the start of the end, we're very close to the end of the story. This chapter is also going to extremely long, so hold on tight. Also I skipped a year.


Y/n's POV:

I've been up for the last hour or so, getting ready for the day ahead of me. Today is the big day, today is the day that we're graduating high school and even though I'm really existed I can't help but feel nervous, scared and a little sad about it.

My Senior year of school has been the best year of my life so far and a lot can happen in a year. Like for an example, Kenny and I are still together and growing stronger everyday, yeah we have our ups and downs but we always work it out. Stan and Wendy haven't gotten back together but have gotten into the same university, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Everyone has grown a lot in the last year in many different ways. Like Wendy isn't that much of a bitch anymore, she's much more easier to get along with and we get on a bit better than we use too, Cartman has grown up too, he isn't as childish and mean as he once was, he and Kyle don't argue half as much anymore and my old best friend, Debbie and I have totally grown apart.

I look at my clothes that are on my bed, unsure what to wear for the big day when there is a knock on my bedroom door. Seconds later the doors opens with a slight squeak and I turn my head to see my mum standing behind me, she got the day off work for the event of the day, she's been very emotional all week.

"Hey Honey." Mum greets.

"Hey mum." I reply.

"Doing alright?" She wonders.

"Yeah. I'm not sure what to wear." I tell her.

"How about that." She suggests, pointing at a few items.

"Yeah I like it." I nod in agreement.

"Well, I came up to see if you were okay and to tell you Kenny will be here in an hour." Mum informs me.

"Really? This morning has flown by." I blurt slight surprise laced in my voice.

"Yeah, just like the school year." Mum adds.

"Mum don't get all sad on me." I say.

"I'm sorry. You're just so grown up, graduation high school, heading to college in the fall. You're so different from the start of the year." Sighs mum.

"Well mum, I can't stay here forever. But I'll always be your little girl." I try and comfort her.

"I know Honey. I know. It's just gone so fast." She sniffs.

"Leave the tears for the ceremony." I say, half-joking.

"You're right." She nods, giving me a small smile.

"Not to make you even more emotional or anything but Toby's turning twelve next month. We need to plan his birthday." I mention as I pick my clothes up.

"Oh my little boy." She says.

She then leave the room and I head to the bathroom and have a pretty fast shower. I get out, dry, change into my clothes and head back to my bedroom where I dry my hair, and anything else.

Within forty-five minutes  I'm ready and I slip on my shoes and head down stairs, I walk into the kitchen where my mum and brother are.

"You look lovely Sweetie." Smiles mum.

"Thanks mum." I thank her.

"You look nice." Toby comments.

"Thank you Toby." I smile at him.

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