Chapter Twenty-three:

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***Y/n's POV***

It's been a few weeks since Kenny and I made up after our argument, since then everything has been good. Wendy hasn't bothered us since, Stan broke up with her a month ago, but we're not sure how long that's going to last.

It's Friday afternoon and we're at school, I'm sitting with Clyde and the guys at our normal table, eating lunch and chatting about random things.

"I can't believe today is the last day of Junior year." Token exclaims.

"I know right. So much has happened this year." I reminisce.

"I wonder what's going to happen when we're Seniors?" Clyde wonders.

"Senior year i-ish going to be way too much p-pressure man, gah!" Tweek yelps.

"You'll be fine. We'll be fine. We have to make Senior year our bitch before we go to different collages' and stuff." I declare.

"I agree. But even when we do go to college or whatever, we'll still see each other and keep in contact." Token adds.

"I don't know about college, you know. Might be a waste of time...And money." Craig mumbles.

"Well, we still have a year to figure that out." I smile.

With this the bell rings and we stand up, get rid of our rubbish from our lunch and head out the cantten.

"I just need my English book. I'll see you guys later." I tell the guys.

"Alright, see ya later." Nods Clyde.

The other three boys say goodbye and head to their own English class, how I wish they were in my class.

I then make my way through the crowd to my locker, I unlock it and get my English book and close it, and turn around to be met with a smiling Kenny, making me jump.

"Oh god Kenny. You made me jump." I exclaim, hitting his chest lightly, my book in my other hand.

"Sorry Baby." He laughs, kissing my cheek.

"You're forgiven." I smile.

"Good." He smiles, backing me into my locker.

"Kenny, what are you doing?" I question.

"Nothing." He smirks, putting his hands either side of my head, caging me in, making butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"Seriously Kenny, we're going to be late." I state, holding my book closer to my chest.

He doesn't say anything, he just leans in and kisses me, but it only lasts a few seconds and pulls back.

"I've been waiting an hour to do that." He lets me know.

"Alright, now come on. We're going to be late." I tell him.

He takes a step back and puts his arm around my shoulder, and smiles at me.

"Okay, let's go." He smiles.

We walk along in a comfy silence for a moment, what is Kenny thinking about?

"What are you thinking McCormick." I question, squinting my eyes at him suspiciously.

"I may have an idea." He admits.

"What is that idea?" I quire.

"We have gym last lesson, and that's not a great way to end Junior year." Kenny grins.

"Kenneth McCormick are you suggesting we skip last lesson?" I hum, with a playful smirk on my lips.

"Maybe. If you're not too scared." He jesters, with a smile.

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