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A/n: Hello everyone. I wasn't going to post this today but thought I might as well. So, this is an epilogue thing because I thought it'll be nice. This is pretty short it's just to finish everything. This part you, Kenny and everyone else are in your twenties and done with college. Thank you so much for reading this fanfiction, means a lot. I'm going to write a whole thank you letter.

Also I understand not everyone wants kids, but just pretend you do, if you don't.

Y/d/n = Your daughter's name.


Y/n's POV:

I'm standing in the living room of mine and Kenny's new home. We're still moving in, but we're almost done. The last few years have gone by quickly, and I'm so happy that Kenny and I have finally moved out of our crappy, randown, one bedroom apartment.

I watch Kenny, though the living rooms bay window, as he lifts the last box out of our car. He spots me looking at him and he gives me his famous smirk, that still drives me crazy, before walking towards the door, the box in his arms.

Moments later he reappears in the living room, he bends down and sets the last box on the floor before straightening back up.

"Enjoying the view of these plus ten biceps?" He jokes, flexing his arms.

"Obviously." I joke back, rolling my eyes playfully.

"How are my two favourite girls?" He wonders, walking closer to me.

"We're doing fine." I reply, putting my hand on my bump.

Kenny and I found out that I was expecting six months ago, more or less, we were terrified, we're still a little nervous. We were not planning to have kids so soon after college but here we are.

"You need to sit down." Kenny suggests, placing his hand on top of my hand that's on my belly.

"Maybe you're right." I agree, feeling pretty tired.

"I'm always right." He smirks.

I roll my eyes at him and sit down on a chair we unloaded a few hours ago. We've been moving in all day, one room at a time, with help from the other boys of course.

"Kenny come on, we need you to help us unload the wardrobe from the van." Stan brakes us from our conversation.

"Oh yeah, sure," He replies, glancing back at Stan. "Relax." He smiles at me, leaving the room.

"I got her, don't worry." Wendy smiles, coming into the room, a shimmering diamond ring on her finger.

"So how are you and Y/d/n?" She asks.

"We're doing fine. She's moving a lot today, my back and feet are murdering me but we're okay."  I nod.

Over the years Wendy and I met up a lot during holidays, alongside the boys and we're pretty good friends now, funny how times change things.

College was so fun, parties, friends, freedom from our parents but it was also so hard, with all the course work, classes, homework, tests and all that stuff, I'm so glad that we're done.

I still can't believe that Kenny and I have been together since we were seventeen, that's such a long time, now we're moving into a proper house together, and we'll have a baby girl in three short months, it's insane.

What makes it even better is we have all our friends and family all around us. Obviously we moved back to South Park, we always thought we'll move far, far away from the weird mountain town but here we are starting our own family.

We hold our friends close to us, their our family. So instead of having a godfather and a godmother we have two godfather's because we just couldn't choose. So our godfather's are Butters and Kyle and our godmother is Wendy and that kind of makes Stan an automatic godfather in a way.

I'm so excited to see what the future holds, we have a lot of decorating and unpacking to do, we're having our baby in a few months, then only four months after that it's Stan and Wendy's wedding, so we have a busy few months but I'm so happy and excited to go through all this with the love of my life, Kenny McCormick.

"Oh my god you killed Kenny!" I hear Stan, yelp.

"You bastard!" Kyle adds.

Standing up slowly, I go to the window to see Kenny under the massive wardrobe and his friends freaking out, the van driver looking terrified. I can't help but shake my head, remembering the day I told him I remembered.

"Oh, Kenny." I say under my breath, fondness and love in my tone.


A/n: Hello everyone. There we go, the story is officially over and I'm kind of sad about it. Thank you guys so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed it and sorry for my spelling mistakes and whatever. I'll be publishing a thank you chapter today.

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