Chapter Eleven

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**Y/n POV**

The first two lessons go by pretty quickly, and I spend most of it thinking about Kenny, I still can't believe that Kenny is my boyfriend.

The bell rings telling us that it's brake time, and that I can go eat some food and see Kenny. 

Kenny and I seem to be the talk of the school today because I heard our names everywhere I've been this morning. Is it actually that difficult to believe that Kenny and I are together? How was I suppose to know Clyde would be jealous or not like me dating Kenny? It's true that Kenny has a reputation and I know that, I just want to enjoy our time together. 

I then leave the classroom, pushing past some people who are walking too slow, and head to the canteen. Minutes later I walk into the canteen and look around, there are students everywhere, I then see a green hat and walk towards it, knowing it belongs to Kyle. He's with everyone else, including Kenny and as soon as they see me making my way towards them, they all, not Cartman, all smile at me and I smile back at them.

"Hey guys." I chirp.

"Mph mpmp." Kenny says, kissing my cheek. {"Hey Baby."}

"Hey Kenny." I giggle.

"Hey Y/n. What's up?" Stan nods.

"Well the sky, moon, stars and birds most of the time." I say playfully."

Ha ha ha. Very funny Y/n." Stan says back sarcastically, with a smile."How original." Kyle rolls his eyes at me, playfully. I take a seat next to Kenny and I feel him take my hand in his, resting them on the table. I look down at our hands intertwined and smile.

"You guys are so sweet and lovey-dovey that I want to throw up." Scoffs Cartman.

"Really?" I smirk, ready to annoy him.

I then boop Kenny's nose with my index finger, making him giggle cutely and making Cartman roll his eyes, I then lean in and rub my nose against Kenny's, hearing Cartman groan. I then sit back with a smile on my face, and look at Cartman who has an expression of disgust on his face.

Kenny then takes his hood down, which he rarely does in school, so it surprises us. He then leans in and kisses my lips quickly making both of us smile, then Kenny unexpectedly licks my cheek.

"Eww Kenny." I giggle, wiping my cheek with the sleeve of my hoodie.

Kenny lets out a chuckle and smirks at how flustered he got me because of it. I then let go of Kenny's hand and stand up, brushing my hair out of my face and look away.

"Where are you going?" Kenny wonders, his voice clear.

"I'll be back now. I'm just going to get some food." I tell him.

He nods at me as I walk off to join the line and wait for my turn. I'm standing there, when I feel a soft tap on my shoulder making me turn my head to see the two dark brown eyes that belong to Clyde.

"Hey Clyde." I say, turning around to face him.

"Hey Y/n." He says, slight sadness in his tone.

"Are you okay?" I wonder.

"Well, erm, the thing is...I like you Y/n. More then a friend and I don't want you to be with Kenny," Clyde confesses, taking me completely off guard. "And it's all my fault." He blurts, ignoring my question.

I'm surprised at what he said, Clyde likes me. That explains why he's acting like he's acting about Kenny and I but he's never even shown any obvious romantic interest in me.

"How is this all your fault?" I question.

"If I told you I liked you for the start, it wouldn't have happened. But I was nervous, and didn't do anything about it and continued on with whatever Bebe and I have, had. Now you're with McWhormick." He tells me.

"Clyde, I don't think the canteen line is the right place to talk about it." I say, trying to calm the boy down and not make a scene.

"Can we talk later, after school?" He asks quietly.

"Sure. We'll sort everything out." I reassure, as I spot people whispering.

"Okay." He sighs.

"I'll text you later, okay." I tell him softly.

He nods and leaves the line, walking back to Craig, Tweek and Token who are sitting at our normal table, not too far away. 

I sigh and get a sandwich before heading towards Kenny again.

"What did Clyde want? He looks kinda down." Kyle speaks.

"Nothing really. He just wanted to talk." I tell them.

"About what?" Cartman questioned, probably looking for some drama to involve himself in.

"Er, like you know stuff." I stumble.

"What stuff?" Kenny queries, looking straight at me.

"Stuff, stuff." I say, looking down at my shoes, wanting this conversation to stop.

I then sit down next to Kyle and Kenny and take a bite of my sandwich, but not before I feel a hand on my wrist, looking up I see Kenny standing up. He pulls me up gently and takes me to a empty corner of the canteen, away from everyone, my sandwich still in hand.

"What does Clyde want to talk about? If he's giving you a hard time just tell me, and I'll sort it out." Kenny worries.

"He's not giving me any trouble. He's just jealous and he, erm, he kind of likes me, like like likes me." I say, I then tell him everything and he nods in response.

"You're going to his house?" He questions.

"No. We haven't decided where to go and talk yet." I tell him, honestly.

"Do you want me to come with?" Kenny wonders.

"No, I should be fine. But thanks Kenny." I smile at him.

"Are you sure?" He asks again.

"Kenny, I've been friends with Clyde since I was ten. I can handle him." I reassure him.

Who knew Kenny could be so protective, I kind of like it. Then the bell rings and we head to our next class, I eat my sandwich as I go.


A/n: Hey everyone. How is everyone feeling? Anyway, thanks for reading and sorry that this chapter was pretty random...I'm trying my best. Sorry for any mistakes and thanks again. 

A/n: Hello everyone. Thought I'd just point out that this fanfiction celebrated it's third birthday last Wednesday and I just want to thank you all for the support, I never imaged this would blow up so much! Thanks again!

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