Chapter Seven:

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**Y/n POV**

I'm fast asleep when I hear a noise that jumps me awake, I groan when I realise that it's just my phone.

Who's ringing me? What time is it?I reach over and grab my phone, off my bedside table, looking at the caller ID I see Tweek's name and picture, which is him with a flower crown on his head he hated me when I made him wear it.

 But in other news of course it'll be Tweek ringing me at...5:24am.

Sighing I quickly answer the phone and put to my ear, I'm about to say hello but don't get a chance.

"Gah!" Tweek panics.

"What is it Tweek?" I ask, half asleep.

"The u-u-under-p-pants g-gnomes gah! T-there g-going to get me gah!" He freaks out.

"It's okay Tweek. Relax, they're not going to get you. You're going to be fine." I reassure him.

"B-but gah t-there every-where!" He frets.

"Why didn't you phone Craig or something?" I ask, trying not to come over as mean.

"Gah, I did he-he didn't-didn't an-answer." Tweek stammers.

"Do you want me to come over?" I sigh, I'm not a morning person, definitely on a Sunday.

"P-please b-be-before they g-get me gah!" He pleas.

"Is the key still under the mat?" I ask.

"Ye-yes." He stutters.

"I'll be there in a bit. Stay put." I tell him.

"O-okay gah!" He replies, hanging up.

With a sigh, I pull myself out of bed still groggy from sleep and tired. I love Tweek like a brother but gee phoning at 5:30 in the morning is not okay. I guess I know how the others, mainly Craig feels on a daily basis.

I slip on a pair of grey sweatpants, I then remember that I'm grounded and not suppose to leave the house. But I continue pulling a black hoodie over my head and slipping into a pair of sneakers and tie my messy hair into a pony tail and put my hood up.

I grab a black pen and a bit of paper and write a note, just in case my mum wonders where I am and she might take it easy on me if I explain that it's for Tweek.

'I have gotten a phone call from Tweek and he's freaking out. He needs someone and I can't leave him alone while he's in this mess. I don't know where his parents are or if they even care. So I'm at his house and I'll be back as soon as possible. I understand if you want to ground me for another three days, love you from Y/n." I write and place the note somewhere she'll see it.

With this I put my phone in my pocket, leave my room and sneak down stairs and unlock the door quietly and sneak out, hopefully no one feels like robbing a house at 5:30 in the morning because my door is unlocked.

I then jog over to Tweek's house, I get there a couple of minutes later and lift the outside mat up and get the key to unlock his door, I step in and close the door slowly, locking it behind me after I'm in.

This feels so wrong, I feel like I'm braking and entering. But I guess Tweek did invite me over.

I then make my way up the stairs and knock on Tweek's door, making him yelp in fear. I push the door open to see Tweek curled up on his bed, his blanket over his head, I close the door and go towards him.

"Tweek, Tweek it's okay, I'm here." I say, trying to calm him down.

"Y-y/n?" He stutters.

"It's okay. I'm here, the gnomes won't hurt you." I reassure him, sitting on his bed.

"A-are gah are you s-sure?" He questions, his eyes darting around the room.

"Positive." I say with a calm smile.

He gets out from under his blanket and sits next to me, he then wraps his arms around me; like a scared child, I return the jester and start rocking him slightly.

"T-they w-were gah e-everywhere," He croaks. "Y-you b-be-believe me gah right." He worries.

"I believe you." I tell him.

I sit with Tweek like this for about two hours, trying to calm him down. He's always been like this, reasons unknown.

He falls asleep after awhile, using my arm as a pillow, I sit there for a few moments before I gently get Tweek off my arm and place his blanket over him like a scared four-year old he is inside.

Why doesn't he go to his parents when he freaks out? How don't they hear him? I question as I creep out of his house, locking the door and putting the key back where I found it and head home.

I slip my phone out of my pocket to see it's almost 8am. Walking down the street, I yawn and walk into my garden and though the door. 

Looking around there's no sight of my mum anywhere, I sigh in relief. Locking the door I tiptoe up the stairs and into my room to see the note where I left it. I throw it into the bin and slip back into my pyjamas and get back into bed.

After a couple of minutes I fall back to sleep, thank goodness it's a Sunday.


A/n: Hello everyone just another quick note to say thank you for reading! Sorry for any mistakes. This is kind of a filler chapter!I love Tweek so much, my little addicted coffee bean.

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