Chapter Fifteen:

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**Y/n POV**

The school day has gone by pretty fast, and it is already breaks time. I haven't been able to concentrate on my school work probably today because I'm so nervous, excited and anxious about mine and Kenny's first date, well my first ever date at all.

What do you wear to Raisins and not feel insecure with those...Girls everywhere? Kenny was right when he said it isn't the ideal place. I believe Kenny has a history with Raisin girls or a Raisin girl when he was younger so I can't help but feel a little worried about it.

I didn't have my last class with Kenny and the guys, I had Butters and Jimmy in there with me, so I'm not completely surrounded by idiots.

Walking into the canteen, that's buzzing with students, teachers and conversations, I look around to see Kenny and the guys at their normal table. I promised Clyde at the bus stop this morning that I'll hang out with them at break and after our conversation yesterday, I can't help but feel obliged to do so.

Walking over to the boys with a smile on my face, I go behind Kenny and put my index finger to my lips to signal Kyle and Stan to be quiet. Then I cover Kenny's eyes, making him jump slightly making the others laugh, I can't help but laugh too as I take my hands away from Kenny's eyes.

"Y/n." Kenny smiles, turning around to look at me.

"You guys are gross." Cartman, who's sat next to Kenny, comments.

"We know." Kenny says.

"Hey, guys." I greet the boys.

"Hey." Kyle smiles.

"What's up?" Stan says his signature greeting.

"So, are you sitting with us today?" Kenny wonders, standing up.

"No, I told Clyde I'll sit with him and the guys. But I'll sit with you guys at lunch." I tell them.

"Alright, Babe. See you around." He smiles, kissing my cheek.

"Bye guys." I wave, as I head off to our normal table, where Craig and the guys are sitting.

"Hey, guys." I beam, taking a seat next to Tweek.

"Hey, Y/n." They greet.

"I feel like it's been forever since you sat with us." Says Token.

"It's been like a day." I say.

"It feels longer." Token adds.

"Yeah, it does." I agree.

"So, how's life dating Kenny McCormick?" Token questions.

"It's pretty good. He's great." I tell them, with a smile.

"That's good. But if he ever makes you cry I'll break his arm." Craig says, somewhat seriously.

 "Thanks Craig. Means a lot coming from you." I smile at the black-haired boy.

"Well to be honest Y/n. To be able to brake one of those boys' arms will make me soo happy." He admits, giving me a very brief smile.

Craig and the guys still hold a bit of a grudge against Catman and the boys for the things they did when they were kids, which is understandable.

We sit in the canteen, eating, drinking, joking, laughing and talking about random things.

I look over at Kenny's table to see him already looking at me. He catches me looking at him and gives me a flirtatious wave and a weird face, making me giggle causing Tweek and the guys to look at me. 

This happened more than once but every time he'll do something weird, like give me another flirtatious wave, make a weird face, blow a kiss, wink, flex or something strange along those lines, making me giggle every time.

A while later and the bells rings, we get up and head to Maths with all my boys.

"I need to get my Math book from my locker. You guys carry on, I'll be in class in a minute." I tell the boys.

"Okay, well see you in a bit." Token smiles.

They then make their way to class, and I make my way to my locker. I'm about to unlock it when I feel a hand on my waist.

"Hi, Kenny." I smile, not even looking at him.

"Hey Baby." He smiles, kissing my cheek from behind.

With one move he turns me around and slams me into the locker, not hard it didn't hurt or anything.

"Kenny, what the hell are you doing?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"I want to kiss you." He says.

"Then kiss me." I smile.

He then leans in and we have a mini make-out session against the locker, people pass but we didn't care.

"Kenny." I mumble against his lips.

"Mm?" He mumbles, slipping his hand up my side.

"We're going to get in trouble for being late." I say, pulling away.

"Okay. One thing though." He says, making me look at him confused. 

"That was the hottest make-out session I've had for a long time." He adds.

"Shut up Kenny." I smile, pushing him away.

Kenny and I then get my book and walk to class, hand-in-hand almost ten minutes later. 

The rest of the day went by really fast and the next thing I know, I'm walking down the hallway on my way out of school to go home to get ready for my date with Kenny.

"Y/n. Wait up!" I hear Debbie call.

I stop and turn around to see her jogging towards me, she gets to me and takes a deep breath.

"Hey." I greet.

"I haven't had a chance to talk to you since the party." She says catching her breath.

"It's fine. I know Wendy keeps her friend nearby." I say, understanding.

"How about we walk home and catch up?" She suggests.

"Alright, that sounds fun." I smile.

With this Debbie and I walk out of the school, as she starts talking about the party, everything that happened to her that night and everything that has happened since.

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