Chapter Nineteen:

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A/n: Hello everyone. Here we go again, thanks you so much for reading. This is a long chapter, also motivation isn't my friend, and happy October.

p.s: Small warning for Emetophobia. 


~Kenny's POV~

After dancing for awhile I grab her arm lightly, stopping here, making her look at me with a puzzled yet cute look on her face.

"Come on, let's go over here." I smile at her, holding her hand.

"Okay." She smiles, as I pull her into an empty corner.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask, feeling concerned and protective over her.

"I'm feeling fabulous!" She smiles.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes," She smiles. "Oh my gosh, look it's Craig!" She beams, distracted from our conversation as she drags me over to Craig by the hand.

"Hey Y/n, Kenny." Craig greets, looking a little confused.

"Oh my gosh Craig," She almost screams, putting her arm around Craig's shoulder. "I love you, you're like one of my best friends!" Y/n beams.

"Erm, thanks Y/n." Craig says, confused before he glances at me and I respond by shrugging my shoulders.

"Kyle!" She calls, distracted again, making Kyle come over.

"Hey guys." He smiles, as Y/n takes her arm away from Craig's shoulders.

"Kyle listen, listen, listen, seriously listen! I have to tell you something." Y/n chants.

"Erm, okay. I'm listening." Kyle smiles, baffled.

"You're like one of my best friends and I love you. When we were little I had a massive crush on you! Did you know that?" Y/n wonders, this surprises Kyle and Craig, but also me.

"Really. I didn't know." Kyle says, surpise in his voice.

"Well I did. I don't now though because I really, really, really, really like Kenny." She smiles, kissing my cheek quickly.

We then go back over to the table, where she begins chatting to the boys, confusing us all. I then look around to see Wendy and Stan not too far away, she's looking at Y/n with a devious smirk on her face.

Wait? Y/n was fine earlier, then she told us that Wendy walked into her and said sorry. I know it's a long shot but Wendy must of done something, I need to get Y/n out of here. I can't take her to her house, I'll have to take her to mine it's not like my parents will care.

"Guys, it's amazing to see you all. But I think I'm going to take Y/n home. I'll text when we get back, I need to tell you something." I smile, grabbing Y/n's hand again.

"Oh, okay." Craig says.

"Okay." Kyle replies.

"I don't want to go." She strops, like a five-year old.

"I know Baby. But it's for the best." I coo at her.

"Alright. Bye guys." She beams, before coming alone with me.

"Yeah bye Y/n, Kenny." Craig says.

"Bye guys." Kyle smiles, with a wave of a hand.

With that we leave the school, hand-in-hand, and walk towards my house. You can get to my house two ways, so we're going the way we don't have to walk past Y/n's house.

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