Chapter Six:

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__________**Y/n POV**

The bottle spins around, missing me twice, before landing on Bebe making her smile at herself before she glances at all the boys present, while biting her lip.

"Okay, I'll go first." She says the obvious, spinning the bottle.

I watch it as it spins around, landing on Scott Malkinson, whose grown into a tall teenagers, he still has a noticeable lisp and is still very diabetic. He always wears green and today he's wearing a green and white checked button up shirt with a pair of blue jeans.

 He smiles happily at Bebe, who gives him a smile in return.Bebe then crawls towards him, acting all flirty and what not, before stopping in front of the boy and plants a kiss on his lips, which lasts a good four or five seconds before she pulls back and goes back to where she's sitting, next to Wendy and Red.

Then Scott spins the bottle and it goes around, missing me and landing on Annie. He smiles at her and goes over to her and kisses her on the lips, once again it only lasts a couple of seconds before he goes back to where he was sitting.

The game continues, Annie then spins the bottle and moments later it lands on Red. The girls look at each other awkwardly and go over to each other, but Wendy explained that we don't have to kiss everyone on the lips if we don't want to if it makes them uncomfortable.

Bebe and Annie, who are already pretty drunk, kiss each other on the lips, which surprises us, after a few seconds the game goes on.

<Time skip bought to you by Cartman's Cheesy Poofs>

A couple of minutes later and it's Scott's go again, he spins the bottle and it lands on me. I stare at the bottle for a seconds before looking over to him as he's sitting next to me, trying not to look as awkward as I feel, I give him a quick smile before he leans over and kisses me on the lips, after three or four seconds I pull away.

I then look at the bottle again, knowing it's my turn to spin. I lean forward slightly and push the bottle, nervous at who it's going to land on.

 I've already been kissed by three people, Annie, Scott and Butters, who kissed me on the cheek like a gentleman.

The bottle the slows and stops in front of Kyle, I look up towards Kyle as we give each other awkward smiles before I make my way over to him. I lean in and peck him on the lips, they taste sweet and it wasn't too bad, I go back to where I'm sitting my 8th Grade dream granted.

 The game goes on and a couple of minutes later it's my go again, I spin it and it lands on Butters, causing him to look at me and smile shyly at me. He's sitting on the other side of me, so he turns himself to me and I quickly kiss him on the lips, which makes him giggle.

The game continues until it's my go again, this time it lands on Stan. He looks at me and I debate if I should or not, considering he's sitting next to Wendy, his girlfriend of all people.

I make my way over slowly, giving Wendy or Stan time to protest but I get there and quickly kiss him, his lips are sour with alcohol. 

She didn't say or do anything about the other five people who kissed her boyfriend, one including her best friend, so why can I feel her eyes throwing daggers in my back? If you don't want people kissing your boyfriend don't make him play spin the bottle. I get back to my sitting place and settle in, not looking towards Wendy as I watch the game go on. 

Minutes later and it's my turn again, I spin it and this time it lands on Kenny...Of course it would.

 Looking over to him, I find him already looking at me with a flirty smile on his lips, which gives me butterflies as I make my way over to him, nervously.

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