Chapter Thirteen:

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**Y/n POV**

There we sit on the floor, trying to find the words to start the much-needed conversation.

"So...How long have you liked me, like when did it happen?" I ask.

"I started like liking you a few weeks ago." He admits.

"Okay. Why didn't you tell me? I know you mentioned you were nervous, was there any other reason?" I wonder.

"I was nervous. You're like my best friend," He starts.

"I was worried you'd reject me and then we won't be friends any more and because we weren't friends anymore, you wouldn't hang out with us. Then the other boys would be mad at me." He blabs, looking at his lap.

"I understand that Clyde, I'm flattered that you like me and all. You're a sweet guy and any girl will be lucky to have you, but I don't like you like that." I tell him, making sure not to sound too harsh.

"I know. But we're still friends, right?" He wonders with a worried expression on his face.

"Always Clyde. You can't get rid of me that easily." I smile at the boy, lightly punching him playfully in the arm.

"I know. I guess that was a stupid question." He says.

"No questions are stupid. We good?" I ask.

"We're good." He nods, with a smile.

"Is there any other reason you don't want me to be with Kenny?" I question.

"Well, you know. He has a reputation and I don't want him to hurt you or anything." He starts.

"I know he has a certain reputation, but I'm sure he won't hurt me," I reassure.

"But if he ever does, you can have the second punch...After me." I joke.

"Good, I hope I won't have to," He smiles. 

"So, how long have you liked Kenny for?" He rambles.

"Well, the thing is I didn't want to like him. I just had this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like butterflies, every time he was around. I tried to get rid of them or ignore them but they always came back. I've liked him for at least a few weeks but I've only excepted it like last week." I admit.

"Oh right. I guess that makes sense, but I'll never understand a girl's feelings." Clyde tells me.

"I don't expect you to Clyde. Half of the time girls don't understand themselves." I tell him.

"So, like will you always be hanging out with Kenny and his friends?" He asks, timidly.

"No, not always. Because you know bros before hoes...Sisters before Misters or whatever, right?" I smile, looking at him.

"Yeah, guess so. Even though you are one of the bros, those lines don't really make sense with your situation, being the only girl in a boy group." Clyde points out.

"Yeah, whatever. Details, details," I giggle.

"I'll sit with Kenny sometimes, other with you guys. Then sometimes I'll sit with Kenny and his friends and Kenny comes to sit with us or we all sit together. We'll work it out." I reassure him.

"Okay. Because you were our friend first." Clyde says, now smiling.

"I know, I know," I agree.

"I think we've sorted everything now." I add.

"Yeah, I think so too," Clyde agrees with a nod of his head. 

"How about we actually do homework? I do need some help with this." Clyde spills.

"Okay, come on then." I smile, with a short laugh.

We then spend a good half an hour talking about random things, while we do our homework. Then my mum comes in and says that I'm still grounded and Clyde's been here long enough.

I say goodbye to him, giving him a goodbye hug before closing the door behind him, I'm glad we've worked everything out and everything is good now. 

A while after Clyde's gone, I sit down at the table to eat dinner with my brother and mother. We talk about the normal random stuff, school, work, and stuff before my mum turns to me with a smile on her face.

"So, are you going to tell me about this Kenny now?" She wonders.

"There isn't much to tell." I shrug.

"There has to be something." She smiles.

"Okay. Well, he goes to my school, he wears an orange parka everywhere he goes. He's really nice, sweet, he's always super kind towards me, he's kind of misunderstood sometimes because of his tough upbringing but he's always there for his friends and his little sister Karen." I inform my mum, basically in one breath.

"He sounds nice. When do I get to meet him?" She asks.

"I don't know, soon." I say, taking another fork full of food.

"Okay, I'll be looking forward to it." She chirps.

"Okay." I mumble, my mouth half full.

I then finish eating my dinner and make my way upstairs where I grab a clean pair of pyjamas and everything else I need for a shower, almost forgetting a towel.

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