Chapter Seventeen:

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(Edited)A/n: Hey everyone! I have super bad case of writers block, so this chapter was kind of forced a little. So sorry if it isn't very good and full of mistakes.


**Y/n POV**

It's been a week since mine and Kenny's first date, and today is the day of the school disco that Kenny asked me to last week. 

This week has gone by painfully slow, but it hasn't been all bad. I've managed to spend an equal amount of time with my friends and Kenny, with and without his friends, so everything is going to plan.

Kenny came over at the start of the week for dinner, I was nervous about it at first because Kenny is well Kenny and he sometimes says the wrong thing at the wrong time, but everything went fine and my mum loves him. I think she's already planning our wedding.

Kenny, having too siblings himself, is great with my little brother Toby. He talks to him, plays video games with him and gives him advise on girls, which worries me a little bit. So, Kenny has spent pretty much most of his time at my house, but other than that he's been at school, with his friends or acting as Mysterion, he doesn't really goes home. He only goes home to sleep or if he dies, which he has three times this week alone.

Even though I know he's coming back, I always worry about it until I see him or he texts me. I'm scared that he won't come back one day, then what do I do?

Debbie also hasn't talked to me since I saw her last week, even if she's on her own she won't talk to me, and when we sit next to each other in class all I get are short, blunt replies. I don't know what I've said or done to make her this way, but I have a small suspicion that it has something to do with Wendy, she never liked me because wasn't like her or her little minions. That I'm my own person and stand my ground when I don't want to do something, and I think she's still holding a grudge about the whole kissing Stan thing, which happened weeks ago now.

"Earth to Y/n." I hear Token's voice.

"Huh..Yeah Token?" I say, snapping out of my thoughts.

I look away from the window, and look at him as he's sitting next to me today on the bus.

"Are you alright there? You zoned out for a good five minutes." Token asks.

"Did I? I didn't realise." I admit.

"She was thinking about me, weren't you Baby?" Kenny jokes, from his seat in front of me, where he's sitting and talking to Kyle.

"Sure Kenny." I smile at him, reaching over and ruffling his hair.

"Hey!" He says, patting his hair down and putting his hood up.

I giggle at his reaction before Token stars a conversation with me about tonight's disco. Then within five minutes we're home and we stop and get off the bus. We then talk as we make our way home, Kenny and me hand-in-hand, we say goodbye to everyone as we walk.

"Are you coming over again?" I question Kenny.

"Yeah, is that okay?" He wonders.

"It's always okay. But won't you need to get ready for the disco?" I point out.

"That's not for another four hours." He says.

"You can stay, but I won't be able to give you every ounce of my attention." I warn him.

"I'll stay for awhile." He smiles.

"Sure." I smile, as we walk into my garden.

Pushing the front door open Kenny and I step in, mum, who's on the sofa watching TV, looks over to us and smiles at us before muting the TV.

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