Chapter Eight

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A/n: I just realised this has 102 reads! Thanks so much. I never though so many people would actually read this!


**Y/n POV**

I wake up and flutter my eyes open, and yawn before I roll onto my side and take my phone off my bedside table, turning the screen on I see that's it's gone 10:30am.

I lay there looking though my phone for awhile, then there's a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I say lazily.

The door opens and there stands mum, she gives me a smile and comes in, clearly feeling guilty about grounding me.

"Good morning Honey. Did you sleep okay?" She wonders, opening my curtains the sunlight comes in, making me squint.

"More or less. I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't get back to sleep for awhile." I white lie.

"Oh, well you're still grounded for today and tomorrow." She says randomly.

"I know." I affirm.

"You know I'm just trying to guide you down the right road. It hasn't been easy since your dad left." She opens up.

"I know mum. Being left with two children." I tell her, trying to be sympathetic about a time I can hardly remember.

My dad left, just got up one day and left and never came back. It broke my mum in more then one way considering they were high school sweethearts back in the day. My mum had me pretty young, she was nineteen and because of that she couldn't go to college and become a nurse like she waned too, I feel pretty bad about it. 

I was always amazed by my mum and dad's relationship when I was younger, they seemed so in love and happy, I thought their love story was like something out of a Disney movie. But when I was ten, Toby four, he left and never came back leaving my mum on her own with two kids, and we haven't seen or heard of him since.

"A word of advise for you Sweetie. Don't start having babies until at least twenty-five." She half-jokes.

"You don't have to worry about all that stuff yet mum. I don't even have a boyfriend." I tell her.

"I know that Honey. I thought you would by now, you know being as pretty as you are and the fact you're friends with half of South Parks boy population." She laughs.

"They've all friend zoned me mum." I half joke, Kenny coming into my mind for a moment.

Even though I'm in trouble and grounded mum and I joke around. My mum and I are pretty close and I would definitely say my mum is one of my best friends.

"That Butters is sweet." Mum teases.

"He's like my baby brother mum," I giggle. "Even though he's three months older then me." I add.

"Oh the brother zone." She laughs.

We talk about random things for another few minutes before she leaves me on my own. I sit in my room, mostly on my phone what much has let me keep, lost in my own thoughts about things, mostly thinking about the party yesterday.

<Time skip bought to you by Tweeks' coffee addiction>

The day went on and I spend most of it bored out of my mind in my bedroom. I haven't been grounded since I was like twelve so this sucks.

I'm in my room, minding my own business, when I hear little taps coming from my window. Getting up off my bed I head towards the window, not too far away, I look down to see Craig and Clyde throwing stones at my window, they do this sometimes. I open my window and stick my head out, they notice me and look up at me, Craig with a bored look on his face.

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