Chapter Sixteen:

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A/n: Hey everyone! Just a quick note, y/f/f = your favourite food and y/f/d = your favourite drink! Okay, thanks for reading!


**Y/n POV**

We walk and talk but after a few minutes it goes quiet for a second, and Debbie stops making me stop, I look at her and she looks over at me.

"So, is it true?" She asks.

"Is what true?" I ask back, slightly confused.

"You're dating Kenny." She says.

"Oh that. Yeah I am." I smile, surprised she didn't know already.

"Were you going to tell me?" She wonders.

"Yeah, I was going to. But you're so difficult to get a hold of sometimes." I explain.

Debbie being one of Wendy's friends, she can be a bit dramatic and easily butt-hurt sometimes, definitely when it comes to certain things.

"Oh, okay. So tell me, what happened at the party?" She wonders.

I then tell her everything that happened at the party from spin the bottle, to Wendy wanted to beat me up, and meeting Mysterion and everything in between.

"Really, whoa. You've had an interesting week." Debbie remarks.

"Yeah, you can say that again and it's not even over yet. Kenny and I are going on a date today." I tell her.

"Really, where is he taking you?" She asks.

"Raisins of all places, I told him it was pricey but he says he's been saving up." I inform her.

"That's sweet of him. I didn't now he had it in him." She says, with a smile.

"I know right." I agree.

We continue talking about things, and a few minutes later we're outside my house and we say our goodbye and I go in.

"Hey mum." I smile, seeing her on the sofa watching TV.

"Hello Honey." She smiles at me.

I then go upstairs and do my homework, I then decide to look though my clothes, a few minutes later I decide on what I'm going to wear. Something comfy and casual, but appropriate for a date.

<Time skip bought to you by Goth Stan Marsh.>

Half an hour later and I find myself getting out of the shower and drying off. I then walk into my room, I look around my room and close my curtains just in case, and take my towel off and begin getting dress.

I slip on my under clothes and then put on the perfect outfit for the occasion, including a pair of boots. I then do something different to my hair and do my face routine and put on some accessories.

Sitting on my bed I look at the time, Kenny should be here any minute now, in less he's late. Getting off my bed I put my wallet and phone in my pockets and walk down the stairs.

"You look lovely Honey." Mum compliments, of course I told her about the date.

"Thanks mum." I smile.

"Do I get to say hello?" She asks.

"If you want." I smile, before pulling on a coat and a hat.

Minutes later there's a knock on the door, which causes butterflies to shoot though me, I open the door with a smile. Kenny stands there in his orange parka, his hood up but he has a pair of chinos on and different pair of shoes.

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