Chapter Five:

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**Y/n POV**

With this I get up and head down stairs and answer the door, to find Debbie standing there with two bags in her hands.

"Two bags?" I question.

"Yeah, one for me and one for you. 

Considering I won't have time to go home and get ready." She tells me, as she steps into the house.

"Right, of course." I say, as I close the door and head to my room.

We go into my room and she places her bags down, and I fill her in on what happened at the pond today and she smiles. 

She tells me to go take a short shower and then we'll start. I get a towel and a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, to put on after instead of getting into my dirty day clothes, and walk to bathroom where I spent a good ten minutes in the shower, not wanted to make Debbie wait too long.

Getting out, I dry and get changed into my simple clothes and go to my room to see a a collection of different clothes laid out on my bed.

"For me?" I question.

"Yeah, all for you." Says Debbie, putting on her lip gloss.

"I don't know what to wear." I admit.

"Well, have a look." Shrugs Debbie.

I look at my options and start thinking about what will look good with what, after ten long minutes I decide on my outfit.

"Looks great girl!" Exclaims Debbie.

"It's not something I'm use to wearing. But I can make it work." I smile, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Are you trying to impress someone as well as win this bet?" She smirks.

"No...Yes...I don't know, maybe?" I say undecided.

"Who is this person you don't want to but maybe want to impress?" She giggles, all for the gossip as always.

"You'll judge me if I tell you." I say in almost a mumble, looking down.

"Will I? That's just got me more curious." She says.

"Well, he kind of as a reputation and a nickname to go with it." I hint at her.

"What type of reputation, what do people call him?" She questions.

"You're not going to give up unless I tell you, are you?" I ask.

"Nope." She smiles popping the 'P'.

"Will you promise on out friendship, space and time not to tell anyone. It doesn't leave this room," I barges, knowing I'm not getting out of this. "He gets called Kenny McWhotemick." I confess.

"Kenny!" She says in surprise, that if she was drinking something she'd spit it out.

"Yes. See you're judging me now." I point at her.

"Well how can't I. It's Kenny!" She admits.

"I know it's weird and I don't want to, possibly, like him like this, but there's just something about him." I gush.

"Well, lets make you look hot. Right get changed." She instructs.

So I get changed in front of her, I don't mind we're all friends here. I get dressed as quickly as I can in the clothes I picked, which are out of my comfort zone.

 Then I take a seat on my bed as Debbie dose my hair and make-up, she even paints my nails and within an hour and half I'm done.

"What type of shoes should I wear?" I wonder.

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