Chapter Four:

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A/n: Hey everyone. Just a quick note to say thank you so much for 42 views. I wasn't expecting it to get that many so fast, I wasn't even expecting any. So thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter.

A/n: Hi, it's me. I'm just about to begin editing this chapter. I'm trying to keep the original A/n but I thought I'd add one here. Back then I was so happy and surprised for the 42 views but here we are, about two or so years later with 34.3k (as of editing) and I can't be happier or more grateful! Thank you!


**Y/n POV**

I flutter my eyes open and roll onto my back, and stare up at the white ceiling above me, still sleepy. After a few minutes I feel more awake, I roll back onto my side and grab my phone, which was on the bedside table.

 I turn on the screen to see that it's 9:23am. Putting my phone down next to me, I smile as I remember that I finally told Kenny I remembered and how much lighter my shoulders feel.I then spend a good hours or so just laying in bed, on my phone. 

Awhile later, I hear and feel my stomach growl and with that I throw my blankets off me and get out of bed.I slip on my slippers and a random hoodie and leave my room, pulling my bedroom door close behind me. I stroll down the hall, down the stairs and head for the kitchen.

"Morning mum." I smile, opening the fridge.

"Morning Honey." She smiles a me, taking a sip of her coffee.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask, pouring myself some juice.

"Good thank you, Dear. You?" She wonders.

"I slept fine. Thanks." I tell her, taking a sip of my drink.

I then make myself a bowl of my favourite cereal and head to the leaving room, I sit down on the sofa and turn on the TV. I watch Terrence and Phillip reruns while I eat my breakfast, a couple of minutes later and my brother comes down the stairs and sits next to me.

"Terrence and Phillip." He approves.

"Yep, the one and only." I beam.

We sit in silence and watch the show together, we sometimes talk but most of the time we just laugh and their silly jokes and the stupid things they were doing.

< Time Skip Bought to You by Craig's Middle Finger>

Three hours later and there's a knock on the door, and even though my brother and I clearly heard it and the door isn't too far away, we let our mother walk from the kitchen to answer the door.

"Hello Miss Y/l/n. Is Y/n here?" I hear Butter's sweet voice ask.

"Hello boys. She is here, come on in." I hear my mum say.

My mum use to think it was strange that I had a lot of boys as friends and no girl. It wasn't something she was use too, but then I made friends with Debbie, sort of, in the 7th Grade, so she's happy enough with that, and understand more now.

I hear their footsteps come into the living room and I sit up, from my slouched position, and look behind me to see Butters and Clyde.

 I'm still in my pajamas,this is kinda embarrassing.

"Hey guys." I smile at the boys, they've never seen me in pajamas before.

"Hey Y/n. Wanna come to the park? Everyone's there." Clyde questions, energetically.

"Sure, I'll have to get dressed first though." I inform them.

"You're in your pajamas." Gasps Butters, covering his eyes with his hands.

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