Chapter Ten

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Edited)A/n: Hello everyone. I can't believe we're on chapter ten already. I hope you're all enjoying it so far. Once again, I know I say it like every chapter but sorry for any mistakes. Also unrelated my Shawn Mendes album is coming today and I'm excited. Anyway, enjoy the chapter and thanks for reading.


**Y/n POV**

My alarm goes off once again waking me up. I open my y/c/e eyes and reach over and turn it off. I lay there for a couple of minutes trying to wake up, then everything that happened yesterday came flooding back and I automatically get butterflies when I think of Kenny, which makes me smile to myself actually excited to go to school for once.

Then like on cue there's a light knock on my door and my mum walks in, she looks over at me and I shoot her a smile, as I place my phone down.

"Morning mum." I say, with a big smile.

"Morning Sweetie. Why so jolly?" She questions, opening my curtains letting the morning light of another week in.

"No reason. Just excited for school." I admit."Well maybe grounding you did you good." She jokes."Maybe." I agree, getting out of bed.

"Well, I'll leave you to get ready." She says, leaving.

"Okay." I chirp.

I then go around my room, getting my clothes for the day. I showed last night, I then get dressed in my chosen clothes of the day, which is just a simple t-shirt, jeans and hoodie combo.

After a few short minutes I'm dressed, I brush my hair and finish off my face routine and slip on a pair of trainers, get my backpack and head down stairs.

Walking into the kitchen, I find my brother sitting and eating his food, I then make some cereal for myself and sit down. Toby and I have a mini conversation at the table before it's time for me to leave.

It isn't so cold today, so I just slip on my coat and beanie, swing my backpack onto my shoulders, say goodbye to my family and leave the house.

I walk to the bus stop happily, I never been this happy in the morning before, definitely on a Monday. Getting closer to the bus stop I see everyone there, a bigger smile comes to my face when I see the orange parka, alongside some nervous butterflies for some reason.

"Hey guys," I smile at everyone. 

"Hey Kenny." I smile, kissing his cheek which earns some confused looks.

"Wait? When did that happen?" Asks Stan.

"Yesterday." I reply with a smile, as Kenny takes my hand in his.

"But you were grounded." Clarifies Craig.

"I know, but that didn't stop me from talking to you and Clyde." I say.

"Oh, you never told us that you liked Kenny." Clyde says.

"Well, it isn't something you talk to your guy friends about." I tell him.

"So does this mean we'll have to hang out with you guys more?" Cartman interrupts, looking at Craig and the guys.

"Maybe." I shrug.

"No offence Kenny. But Y/n he's Kenny, can you trust him?" Clyde brings up again.

"Well, I taste saltiness or is it jealousy?" Cartman teases, licking his lips.

"Shut up Cartman!" Kenny, Clyde and I shout at the same time.

"Okay, okay. F*ck." Cartman mutters, putting his hands up in defeat.

Before anyone can say anything the bus comes, and we all get on and I sit down next to Kenny, still hand-in-hand, causing everyone whose already on the bus to look at us and start whispering...Seriously?

On the way to school I'm talking to Kenny about this and that, but Clyde is running though my mind. Why did he act that way? Is Cartman right, for once, is Clyde jealous or is he just worried about me because he's my friend and Kenny has a bit of a reputation and doesn't want to see me hurt?

We get to school before I can come up with an answer, we all get off the bus and make our way into the school. Kenny and I walk together to my locker to get my books, Craig, Clyde, Tweek and Token doing their own thing.

 Kenny and I walk around the halls for a few minutes after, considering the bus was on time for once.

"Are you guys dating?" I hear a familiar voice.

Turning around I'm face to face with Wendy, Bebe, Red and Heidi, Debbie's not here as she's sick, I glance over at Kenny, whose just looking at them blankly.

"Well, yeah." I answer simply, lifting our intertwined hands.

"Cute." She says, before turning away her hair flicking as she did.

I look at Kenny with a confused look, he looks confused too. What just happened, why do they care?

"What was that about?" I wonder out loud.

"Mp mpmp mpmph." Kenny shrugs. {"I don't know."}

Then the bell rings and we head to Biology, Kenny isn't in this class with me, so I turn to him so we're facing each other.

"I'll see you in Math." I smile at him.

"Mph mhp mpmph, mpmh." He mumbles happily. {"See you later, Baby."}

He leans in and kisses me quickly on the lips, I'm about to pull away when I hear a familiar monotone voice.

"Eww, no PDA. Not when Butters is around." I Craig joke, even though it's in his normal flat tone.

We pull away to see my friends, Tweek, Clyde, Craig, Token and Butters. Craig playfully puts his hand in front of Butter' eyes and Butters let out a giggle.

"F you Craig." I giggle, flipping him off.

He then flips me off and walks away with everyone. Craig isn't always so Craig, he does joke around sometimes, it's funnier because his monotone voice.

I say one more goodbye to Kenny, and kisses him on the cheek and then make my way to class, hoping I'm not too late.

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