Chapter Three:

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A/n: Hey everybody. Another fairly long chapter coming at you!


**Y/n POV**

I wake up to the feeling of being lightly shaken, I flutter my still tired y/e/c eyes open to see my mum standing next to my bed.

"You forgot to set your alarm. You have about twenty minutes or you're going to be late." She informs me.

I quietly curse to myself as my mum leaves my room. I get out of bed quickly and search around the room for my clothes, even though I wore them yesterday they'll be fine for one more day, I find them and change into them as fast as I can.

So within five minutes I get dress, brush my hair and do my face routine and rush down the stairs.I walk into the kitchen to see my brother finishing his breakfast, he gives me a smile and I smile back before we say our 'good mornings.' before he leaves the room. I pour myself some cereal and sit at the table and eat it, within another five minutes or so, I dump the dish into the dishwasher.

I have a few minutes left, so I go back up stairs to get my phone,and to quickly check if I have everything I need for the day. 

As I walk up the stairs it hits me, I might not see Kenny's familiar orange parka at the bus stop today but then again I might. I don't know but there's something about him I like, there's something about the possibility of never seeing him again that hurts.

After I check if I have everything, which I do, I make my way back down stairs and put my outside clothes on and smile at myself for getting ready in record timing.

"I'm leaving now mum!" I call, thinking she's up stairs.

"Okay Honey. No need to yell." She smiles, coming out of the kitchen.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly. "Bye." I smile at her.

"Bye Honey. Have a good day." She encourages.

"I'll try mum." I respond.

With that I swing my backpack onto one shoulder and leave the house and make my way, once again, to the bus stop.

~Kenny's POV~

A/n: Hey, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to do a Kenny's POV for fun. So it's just going to be quick.


I wake up with a jolt and look down at my body to see I'm all in one piece, it happened again didn't it? I look around the room somewhat urgently to see I'm indeed in my room and alive.I get out of bed, my muscles still aching a little, and get change.

 After a few minutes I walk out of my room and down the hall, towards the living room to find my dad passed out on the sofa.I go into the kitchen and look in the cupboards and fridge to see if I can find something, anything for breakfast to find nothing. I leave the kitchen with a sigh and walk back into the living room and put my hood up and zip up my coat.

"Bye dad." I say, even though he's out cold, but I don't know where everyone else is.

I leave the house and make my way to the bus stop, like always, where I'll see my friends but none of them will remember what happened. Not being able to die is one thing, your friends never remembering is another. I don't know what to do or how to make them remember.

Walking up to the bus stop I see all of them in the distance, acting like nothing happened, none of the guys have a sad expression on their faces. 

I walk closer and Y/n catches my eye, we hang out sometimes, she's a cool girl and not to mention pretty hot too, I might like her a little more than I should. She's standing at the bus stop, next to Craig, her hands in her coat pocket, her head down and a frown on her face. I wonder why she's looking so sad?

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