Chapter One:

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A/n: Hey everybody. This chapter is super-long. Also, when Kenny speaks in his muffled voice I'll put what he said in brackets. Also, it's my birthday!


**Y/n POV**

I've lived in South Park for years, my family and I moved here when I was ten years old. I've gone to school here since the 5th Grade and now I'm in my Junior year of high school.

I hang out mainly with six people; Craig Tucker, Token Black, Tweek Tweak, Clyde Donovan, Butter Scotch and Debbie Morgan, but not at the same time, as Debbie isn't the biggest fan of the boys and the feeling is mutual between the boys.

It's an ordinary morning and my alarm goes off, waking me up. I blink my tired y/e/c eyes open and reach over, half asleep, and turn the annoying thing off.

I lay in my comfy bed and wake up, not five minutes later there is a soft knock on my bedroom door, seconds later my mum waltzes in way too happy for this early in the morning.

"Good morning Sweetie. Breakfast is on the table, go eat before it gets too cold." She beams, pulling my curtains open, blinding me with the morning sun of South Park in the progress.

 She then smiles and leaves my room, thankfully closing the door behind her as she leaves. I groan and sit up and push the blankets off me and get out of bed and stretch. 

I then put on my cosy slippers and leave my room, throwing the door half close behind me as I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen. This is where I see a plate of pancakes on the table, when I see them my stomach rumbles at the sight of them. I take a seat at the table and put my favourite topping on them.

"Good morning." My younger brother, Toby greets. 

"Morning." I reply.

Toby is ten years old and is smarter then I can ever hope to be. He knows a bunch of random facts no one cares about but can come in handy, and he's been a straight A student since the start.

Fifteen minutes later and I'm back in my room, getting my clothes ready for the day ahead. I showered last night, so I should be okay until tonight. I slip into a suitable outfit for the cold day and finish off my face routine and brush my hair, before I put on a pair of boots.

I grab my phone from my bedside table and slide it into my pocket and grab my backpack and make my way back down the stairs.

Once down stairs I place a hat, alongside a matching scarf, I the put on my coat and a pair of mittens.

"I'm leaving now mum!" I yell up the stairs, swinging my backpack onto my back.

"Okay Honey. Have a good day!" She calls back, from her room.

"I'll try, bye!" I call.

She'll take Toby to school on her way to work. Lucky guy doesn't have to catch the bus that's full of rowdy boy's and bitchy girls.

I leave the house, closing the door behind me, before I make my way out of the front garden and down the path towards the bus stop. I really can't be bothered for school today, but it's something we all have to do.

As I near the bus stop, I see eight people in the distance, standing there. Knowing who they are before I could even see them properly.Standing there is; Eric Cartman, Stan Marsh, Kyle Brofloviski, Kenny McCormick, Craig Turner, Tweek Tweak, Token Black and Clyde Donovan, so just the normal group. 

Even though the boys are in their teen years, they haven't changed much, the only thing that's changed is their high and voices. Other than that they're still the weird, perverted, vulgar bunch they've always been since the day I met them.

I'll call Kyle and the guys friends, even though we don't hang out very often, but when we do it's always a good time and we always say 'hello' to each other if we see each other around.

"Hey guys." I chirp, reaching the boys.

"Hi." Craig says, no emotions of his face.

"G-gah, h-hello." Stutters Tweak.

"What's up?" Stan nods.

"Not much." I reply, settling in next to my friends.

"We have a Math test today." Token brings up, randomly a few seconds later.

"Mhph mphmhmp?" Kenny asks, in his muffled tone. {"What Math test?"}

"The one we got told about last Tuesday." Stan informs him.

I have no idea how they always understand him, I can't understand half of what he says. I pick bits up, but then again I don't really hang around with them enough to learn. 

Even though Kenny and I don't hang out very much, I have noticed something, something weird. I've seen him get super hurt, I've seen him die countless times, and every time he comes back the next day like nothing happened and I don't understand.I want to tell him about it but I'm worried and scared that I'm wrong and he'll think I'm crazy.

 Everything goes quiet for awhile and then I hear humming and I turn my head to see Butters skipping towards us."Hey Fellas," He greets the guys. "Hey Y/n." He grins at me."Hey Butters." I smile back at him.

Everyone else then greets Butters, and a few minutes later the bus arrives. We all get on and sit down.

<Time skip bought to you by Clyde Frog>

We get to school a couple of minutes later and we all get off the bus and go our separate ways.

Tweek, Clyde, Token, Craig and I stick together, and heading into the school, once we're all ready too.

"I g-gah, need my books." Tweek yelps, pointing in the direction of his locker.

"Alright, let's go." Token says.

We head to his locker and got his books, we then drop by Clyde's locker to grab his things and by that time, the bell rings telling us it's time for class.

"I'll see you later." I tell the boys.

"Okay, see you later." Comments Clyde.

The others say a quick goodbye and then I head to my first class of the day, English, which none of my main friend group are but I have Kyle and the guys there, so I'm not going to be totally alone.


A/n: Hello everyone. Told you it'll be a long chapter. I worked pretty hard on it. Also thought I better point out I have no idea how American's schools work. Anyway, thanks again for reading and sorry for any mistakes you passed.

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