Chapter Twenty-five:

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A/n: Hello everyone. Thank goodness for the revision option! Sorry about that! Anyway! This is indeed the last chapter and I've been working on it for a few weeks because writers block sucks. So this chapter is kind of short and doesn't have a Kenny's POV but I still hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Also I'm going to write a little epilogue type thing so keep an eye open for that, that's coming soon!


Y/n's POV:

Minutes later Kenny and I arrive at the already bustling house party, there's music blasting from inside the house, people from our year are scatted everywhere.

We step in though the open door and the music gets louder, we glance around the large house, spotting a few teens mingling, drinking and dancing.

"Where first?" Kenny wonders.

"How about we go and get a drink?" I suggest.

"Sounds good." Kenny smiles.

We then make our way through the house, past people and into the kitchen. There is a few people in the fairly large kitchen, sitting on the counters and leaning against walls. Both Kenny and I grab a red solo cup and help our self to the keg that's set up by the back door.

We leave the room, with cups in hand, looking around the room there is people dancing, talking, drinking and just having a good time. I'm broke out of my thoughts by Kenny's voice.

"Oh my god." I hear him gasp.

"What?" I question.

"Look over at the sofa." He hints.

With this I follow his hint, I look at the sofa to see Wendy and Stan making-out, obviously that was going to happen at some point. I'm glad for them, they had a bit of time apart so I hope they won't be so on and off while in college and leave all that behind in their school days.

"It was going to happen at some point." I tell Kenny, truly not surprised.

"True." He agrees, reaching for my hand.

"You're very clingy tonight Kenny." I giggle.

"You're my girl, we're at a party, I want people to know you're mine." He says, giving me a cheeky smirk of his.

"Okay, whatever you say, Ken." I agree, standing on my tip toes slightly, to kiss his cheek.

"I really love you. You know that, you literally blow my mind." Kenny admits, raising his voice slightly over the ever rising sound of the music.

"Awe Ken. I love you too." I smile back, moving to stand in front of him.

Kenny then backs me into the nearby wall, a hand on my hip once again, my free arm loop around his neck, our other hands holding our cups. Kenny then leans in and kisses my lips, we stand by the wall, kissing for a few moments.

"Not you too." Craig's voice brake's us apart.

"What?" I ask, taking a step away from Kenny.

"You, Kenny, Stan, Wendy, Clyde, Bebe all being kissy and gross." Craig mumbles.

"Is someone jealous?" I joke, hitting his arm playfully.

"No, I don't need all that lovey-dovey shit. Thanks but no thanks." Craig shakes his head.

"Sure Craig." I agree.

"L-let's go and gah, sit down o-over there with, gah, Butters and Kyle." Suggests Tweek, who's been standing next to Craig the whole time.

"Good idea Tweekers." I beam, pulling Kenny behind me through the dancing crowd.

Moments later we get over to where Kyle and Butters are sitting, chatting, listening to the music, tapping their foot along with the beat while sipping their drinks.

"Hey guys." I greet, taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey." Greets Kyle.

"Hey fellas, Y/n." Smiles Butters, who's gotten a little more confident though the year.

Kyle and Butters are sitting on the few random chairs that are scattered around the house for people to sit down on. But as soon as Craig and Tweek sit down there is only one chair left.

"Gee golly, looks like you'll have to sit on my lap, Y/n." Kenny say sarcastically, with a smirk, sitting down.

I don't say anything and just sit down on Kenny's lap, we just chat about a few random things for a while, needing to raise our voices because of the music, we sip or drinks and just chat, Cartman then joins us, dragging a chair with him.

"Can't believe we'll be starting different colleges in a few months." Kyle brings up.

"Yeah it's going to be insane." Kenny agrees.

"I'm so glad some of us got into the same college." I smile, glancing at Kenny, Tweek, Craig and Butters, who are going to Colorado State University alongside me.

"Then theirs are people too smart for us." Kenny says, looking at Kyle who's going to be attending Yale with Token.

"Well I've been working hard all my life, dude." Kyle speaks up.

"Stan and Wendy would've probably started dating again in college if not now. They're both going to Brown." I bring up, glancing at the couple still sitting on the sofa.

"At least I'll have Clyde, I guess. When you losers leave.'Cartman speaks up, he's going to the University of Denver, and I'm surprised that Clyde got in.

Everyone else I'm not too sure where they're going, I have a feeling a few more will be attending our uni's.

"Well before that, we have the whole summer." Craig says, giving us a small smile.

"What are we going to do?" Wonders Cartman, taking a sip of his drink.

"We can go on a road trip to California, do something crazy." Kenny smiles, excitedly.

"That's an idea. We could go to the beach, we can go to the zoo or we can hang at home and cause some trouble." Cartman says, above the music.

"Leaving South Park...Never thought that would happen," Kenny admits, raising his voice to be heard over the music. "I guess I have you to thank for that, baby." Kenny says, nuzzling his face into the crook of my shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll make it out without me." I say.

"I'm not sure who I'll be without you. If it wasn't for you helping me keep my grades up, I wouldn't of got the scholarship." Kenny admits.

"Can we not get all sentimental and soppy?" Cartman asks.

"I never agreed with you more, Cartman." Craig voices.

"Well, stranger things have happened." I laugh.

The rest of the night was a blast, I don't think I've had this much fun. We spend the evening dancing, drinking, chatting, laughing, joking around and singing along to some of the songs that were blasting out of the massive speakers.

Kenny and I spent the whole time together, talking to all our friends, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, Butters, Clyde, Token and Tweek, we even had a nice convosation with Wendy, Bebe and Red at one point. It was a really good time, the best party I've been to by far, I didn't get blackout drunk so at least this will be a fond memory for years to come.

Hours later, the party has calmed down and some people have gone home, others have past out all around the house. Me, Kenny, and all our friends are sat on the grass in Token's back garden as we watch the sunrise getting ready to make its entrance as the first day of summer begins.

Some crazy things have happened in South Park throughout the years I've lived here. But at least we have each other, and the memories we've made throughout the years. I'll keep all the memories and all the people I've met along the way close to my heart for the rest of my days. I'm so excited to see what crazy adventures the guys and I will have in the years to come, what sort of madness will be endure next?

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