Chapter One

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He sat his cup on the small wooden desk of the room, looking at the legacy they had build.

He focused on each picture, every details. Reliving the memories captured in those pictures, basking in the euphoric feeling the souvenirs brought back.

They had made it so far, they got a right to be proud. Today was their one year anniversary. One whole year since they became the DreamTeam.

He remembers the first time they did their big come in. An official administrative building had been put under a bomb alert : The Prefecture.

And honestly, they handled it pretty well for rookies.

They had brand new, super resistant costumes, so they didn't have to worry about getting hurt if the bomb ever did blow up on them.

Sapnap has the ability control fire so he could limit the damage of the bomb. Not to mention his supper speed came in handy to rescue the hundreds of people stuck inside.
Though they did get a bit sick from the unusual, sudden, speed of the man. Guess not everyone could handle awesomeness. It was fine, all they had to do was cooperate to be saved, and then chose wether or not they were gonna be grateful. But they usually were.

He remembers him and Sapnap acting childish though it was such a serious matter. They had this unspoken competition as to who could save more people than the other. Don't reprove them, it was their debut, they were discovering the limit of their new playground.
They were much more serious and professional now. He's glad their recklessness didn't cost anyone's safety actually. That's why he allowed himself to laugh at the memory.
Look at him being such a responsible adult.

Bad on the other hand had the opportunity to try his brand new gadget. And so with this weird paste of magically generated matter, George invented, he managed to create one those giant life saver blow out thing fireman already had. But firemen didn't make it as quick as Bad's one did. And they only had small ones compared to his friends, for clearly that would not have been enough to control the hysterical masses.
Once they had evacuated everyone Bad used his healing power to tend to the people who needed medical attention in the meantime of the absence of actual paramedic.
Bad powers were so cool, people just didn't know it yet.

He had divine power. No, like litteraly. He had half demonic power, half angelic one. This meant he had healing power to protect, but he could also obstruct the matter to create brand new and  completely functional objects from what it originally was.

For example from a handful of sand he could create anything his mind could picture. A snow globe? Ironic, but he could. A WWII tank!? Well yes, but the bigger the object the more energy it took from him.
Which is why George's costumes were so amazing too. All of them were custom made, created to answer everyone specific needs. It usually meant strength reinforcement so their body and mind were much less tired from hosting and using their powers.

For example, if he understood correctly, that weird paste previously mentioned was genetically made from a drop of Bad's blood. It meant that since it was powered by magic to power the same magic, it used less physical and spiritual energy from Bad to create anything of any size. However that didn't mean he was completely invulnerable. The costume only acted like a crutch to their body, so Bad still had to be careful as to how he used his limited energy. But fortunately George could monitor everything from back home just in case, to make sure everything was safe or check whether or not they needed a little help.
Although that was then, today they proved to be completely trustworthy.

And finally there was the part he played in their first ever mission. His super strength and enlightened stamina made him capable of grabbing multiple people at once, while only needing to leave the building once or twice. Once he cleared a whole floor or his arms were too full in a way it would put people to harm it he carried one more, he would make sure to get them down Bad's thingy one by one. Then he went on. Once they located the bomb he deactivated it without any knowledge of mine clearance. How? Because of his incredible electric power. One high volt discharge and the bomb was out.

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