Chapter Twenty four

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« - So that's the plan we've come up with. do you understand, any questions maybe? An officer asked him.

404 tilted his head, thinking.

- A couple indeed. First of all, how Am I meant to get in from the backdoor without making too much noise? As you said, the building is on lock down meaning it's sealed shut.
Or really, how am I meant to go through any doors.

- Well, Sam told me that it might help you if one of our associates sent us the data and blue print from the place. He said you could extract it in your goggles and from there you're supposed to know what to do apparently.

- Ah, a smart fellow then I see. He tried to humor in order to calm his growing nerve.

- But, yes, that data would greatly help me if you have it. Once I extract it, as you said, and get it in my goggles, I can basically toy with the 's security system being able to open any door I want, alwhile knowing exactly where I am by looking at the map you'll provide me with.

- That's great, well it's a better idea than the one we had... And so if you can just open the door, then I suppose our diversion won't be needed anymore.

- Oh,you prepared a way of diversion. By all means, keep it in place. Because I'm sure the nearest I'll be from them, the more obvious it will be that someone is heading their way, so if you can make it so they might just completely ignore the sound of doors opening and shutting that would be perfect.

- Noted. Well at least we're useful on that one.

- Oh don't... 404 tried to reassure the chuckling man but he chose to completely ignore, keeping on talking.

- But anyway you said you had questions. As in multiple. So go right ahead.

- Well then I was gonna ask, how am I meant to know where I'm going, but that's solved... Uhm yeah so, second and more than likely last of all, when do you know I made it inside the main room with all the hostages. And like, how will you know it's safe to go and come in ?

- Well, Sam also figured surely your glasses can record right.

- He would be right.. they can.

- Great! So it would be greatly appreciated if you could just communicate life footage to us and to the superhero team right here. That way you'll be our eyes. And you won't need to talk or make a sound, ultimately risking your cover. Isn't that just great !

- Well I guess that's check out. Let's do it then! He baffled, only being half sincere.

Really, he was terrified he could feel his stomach churning but he couldn't go back or give up. Dream was right. People inside that building needed him.

Yes he could have just made someone else invisible but the problem is, George being born with the ability to be invisible, knew his body just as if he could still see it when in invisible form, so that was never a bother for him.
However for someone who wasn't used to being invisible, not being able to see your own limbs might be a tad bit of a bother.

- Sure! Follow me right ahead 404. »

He was led to a folding table with a laptop, mics, headphones, and other devices on it.

He was given an ear piece and a USB C cable. Quickly he transfered the data he needed from one port to another. Then in return he gave his data to the police.
After the visual part was settle, he had to connect the ear piece to the Police's signal and test it. Once he got the goods to go, he knew he had to go to Dream and settle the last part of the communication issue.

Mustering up his courage, he walked to the man.

« - Eh, uh... They said it would be for the best if we align our audiovisual signals together. For better communication and stuff.

- Right. The thing is I'm not entirely in control of that, so if you'd give a moment please.

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