Chapter fifteen

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« - Alright, from now on I take the lead.

- Here's the deal. We're currently right under an 8' feet tall titanium layer. Getting through is going to be the easiest part actually, because that layer is also beneath the main control tower, hidden in the west wing.

- Everything always awaits in the west... Sylvee commented in a somewhat ushered voice.

- Right... Now, that's the part in which, if you screw up, I will either strangle you or I leave you to rot here like a vulgar piece of brunt weed, your choice really but don't try your luck. You remember what to do, right?

- Okay stop treating us like babies, we're equals here! Cate whined loudly.

Okay so they clearly weren't getting it.

- Are you kidding me right now. Okay, it's easy! Let's put this in term you will comprehend- Understand, understand...

So I will first use one of my thorn vine spike to cut through the titanium full force which will create a path through the mater for us to climb through. Then I'll make us yet another ladder for us to climb up. Everyone's following so far ?

She stopped, staring at her colleagues with a mocking attitude. Only exaggerating it once the moody women nodded back to her.

- Good you might not be as dumb as anticipated!

Okay, so from there we all get through the hole and join the prison up there. Beware, it will be a 2 meter height that's very dangerous.

- Okay, can you not... Like stop.

- No. Anyway, here's the next step once we're there :

Sylvee, you'll notice that my spike will have gone through and cut all the way to the concrete floor of their office, eventually piercing it to finally reach precisely the bottom of their wooden desk. And it will because we have calculated everything. Why are you pulling this face? We really did, because we've at least got two brain cells to run together... Regardless,

From there you'll see the small hole it has made in its course, I want to put your palm to it and blow thick smoke inside their office room.

This will mean we'll have exactly ten seconds to act, and during those fifteen seconds everyone, but you Sylvee, must be wearing their masks and their goggles.
Afterwards we'll jump up and in to overthrow them. They'll be completely blind, we won't have to fear anything.
Especially not cameras since this place is precisely where control everything, including the security footage panel.

Now did I make myself clear?

- You seem to have a lot of trust in my reaching capacity...

- Oh trust me you'll make it... I reapeat, did I make myself clear?

- Yes sir! Mocked Cate, with a false military salute.

- Good then let's get this party going. »

She concluded with a smirk.

Sharing one last glance at the other to ensure everything was set in place, Hannah stepped aside once she was sure of her stance and rate of success.

After evaluating what needed to be done, she stretched her arms before her, hands outstretched wild, palm facing the wall. Then she stretched them for real, preparing her body for what was to come.

Once she was ready, and without a warning, she threw in the air. Instantly a swarm of thorny vines came from the floor and flew up. Rejoining each other while going up they ended up forming one thick spike, which was able to cut through the earth, the metal and titanium.

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