chapter twelve

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Please read the author note at the end of the chapter before starting this one. It isn't mandatory but it'll help you out greatly I think. Or maybe not it depends which type of reader you are ! :)

Thus being said, enjoy! <3


The next day was a Tuesday which meant that George had to be at the lab. Technically speaking, right now he was supposed to be experimenting on Hertz and sound capacity to find a way to directly "cure" deafness in an affordable way, yet today he could not careless.

Of course he chose this job because he was passionate about it and he wanted to make the world better, but he did that just yesterday. And what he wanted more than ever now would be to know the outcome of yesterday's event.

Sure, it wasn't much, he prevented one small armed robbery from a local corner store, BUT that could be held as a warning that this district was not left to the hand of crime just yet and some people were still out there to serve justice. And rightfully so.

When he got home it almost felt a bit silly, like a teenager finally getting a taste from the forbidden fruit, like skipping class.
And maybe it was a bit silly, however it was just a warm-up. He was going bigger, not for himself but for the people - which included his friends and family -

After a while, when he had finally come down to Earth, Dream was back home. He greeted him, they had dinner together and they spend the evening like nothing ever happened. He wished to tell him, go on a little excited rent and hear his supportive husband praise him, but he knew that would never happen. All that would do is turn his "protective husband mode" on.
He would freak out, going on all about how "stupid and dangerous this was" and "it was not needed because Dream job was to keep everyone safe, Including him" and "if he went and put himself to the face of danger it meant Dream had failed to do his job and it was pointless anyway now."

Dramatic much but maybe he was right. Plus this discussion would inevitably lead him to speak about a topic he never wanted to share with the other, the fact that he had powers. And he simply could not do that, no questions asked.

But enough of all this dread, if he couldn't share this with Dream then he'll have this to himself. Some intimacy would be nice for once. They shared way to much in this marriage already anyway.

In order to do so, he spent all his free time away from Dream to try and log onto police radio station, but without the right tool it was a bit complicated. So in the mean time he settled to see if either the press would cover it or if the police were going to file a report about this.

Which is why for the past eight hours, instead of measuring the intensity of Hertz and decibel through a clocked flesh canal, he was just constantly refreshing the official police department page he was on. - for some reason it was easier to access classified data base than to interfere with radio frequencies, odd.

As of now, he was short on luck. It was nearing 2 P.M and nothing yet. Maybe he should just give up already? He had to get his mind off of things before this drove him crazy. He had not called his mum yet, maybe that would do the job, the poor woman must have been devasted not to hear from him since, well, yesterday.

So he tried that, but went on voicemail. He groaned when he realized the reason why; today was Tuesday, and it was currently 2 PM. What does his mother do at 2 PM on Tuesday? Well she does community services! She goes to the nearest library and reads fables and tales to toddlers and kindergartners. She was a sweet woman for sure, but maybe instead of taking care of other's kid she could make time for the one she had on her own.

By all means he wasn't being fair. He was a grown man who was meant to be working anyway. Obviously you're a parent for life but the day your kid leaves the cocoon and gets married is the day you can sit down and relax. Has she said "I have nothing else to teach you, whatever lesson you'll have now will be given to you by life itself".
Plus his mum always has time for him and his problem. Just not on Tuesday between 1:45 PM and 3 PM.

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